Visual interpretation of technological processes of sugar production using Chernoff face method


  • Svitlana MAKOVETSKA National University of Food and Technologies
  • Olena M’YAKSHYLO National University of Food and Technologies


decision support system, intelligent visualization, STATISTICA package


Background. Identify the general trend of performance parameters of the separation purification of juice in sugar manufacture, to find and interpret regularities in the set of multivariate data through a visual representation of multidimensional data by the method of cognitive intellectual visualization Chernoff face in the STATISTICA package.
Material and methods. Approbation material are methods and approaches with intelligent visualizations that are offered to be used at food enterprises in the framework of decision support. It is planned to analyze using the method of Chernoff face in the work of the division of sugar plant of juice purification branch.
Results. It was found that using the proposed method of data visualization of technological process will allow decision-makers detect deviations, to quickly assess the situation by comparing the visual image data. It will contribute to effective decision making.
Conclusion. The application of intelligent visualization into the production process as a support tool of managerial decision-making is appropriate and has the perspective from the point of view of improving the system of production management and control.

Author Biographies

Svitlana MAKOVETSKA, National University of Food and Technologies

Assistance Lecturer

Olena M’YAKSHYLO, National University of Food and Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

MAKOVETSKA С., & M’YAKSHYLO О. (2015). Visual interpretation of technological processes of sugar production using Chernoff face method. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 20(2), 156–167. etrieved from

