Quality of the edible liquids of the ultrafiltration concentration
ultrafiltration, pectin extract, protein-carbohydrate raw milk, membrane process, concentrationAbstract
Background. Simultaneously with the concentration of food liquids ultrafiltration (UF) performs their purification from low molecular weight substances, bacteria, maintaining a constant pH. It led to widespread usage of the ultrafiltration process in the processing of food liquids, extracts of pectin and protein-carbohydrate raw milk in particular.
Material and methods. The researches of qualitative process of UF-concentration of food liquids – pectin extract and protein-carbohydrate raw milk were conducted. Food liquids were treated by UF with membrane module. The process was carried out in dead end mode using perforated vibrating disc [20] and bubbling device [21] for intensification.
Results. After diafiltration of the purification concentration of pectin in the researched pectin concentrate remains unchanged, the complexing and the gel forming ability rises are observed, and the content of dry substances diminishes. Thus, applying membrane methods allows improving quality of the final product.
Chemical composition of UF-concentrate buttermilk, skimmed milk and whey contain all dietary nutrients, which are common in the studied types of raw materials. At the same time the content of protein and fat in the concentrate of protein-carbohydrate raw milk increases in proportion to increase factor of concentration.
Conclusion. Usage of ultrafiltration of food liquids simplifies the process of concentration and provides the concentration of high quality.
Analytical and experimental studies that were taken show the technological limits of the modes of regulation of receiving concentrate in ultrafiltration concentration of food liquids.
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