Harmonization of Requirements to Safety of Coating Materials in Ukraine and the EU



coating materials (CM), paints, coatings, safety, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals.


Background. Coating materials (CM) contain significant amounts of chemical components that can migrate into the environment and have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Several publications and papers deals with analysis of requirements, regulation and other questions concerning safety of CM, but they are not complex and should be clarified with current trends.
The aim of the work is analysis of requirements to paints and coatings safety in Ukraine and the EU, and developing proposals for their harmonization.
Material and methods. The bases of the methodological framework research are the methods of scientific knowledge, a systematic approach and generalization, national, European and international laws and regulations.
Results. The significant changes in the structure of the CM market in Ukraine occur as a result of world-wide trends. The share of environmental water-dispersion (WD) CM in the total production volume increased by almost 2 times – from 32.2 % in 2007 to almost 60 % in 2015. This shows the tendency to reduce the production of CM based on organic solvents and increasing the share of WD CM. Similar trends are observed in the structure of CM consumption.
However, the share of CM based on organic solvents exceeds 40 % in consumption. The main source of hazard of these CM are organic solvents, monomers, aromatic and other harmful compounds that can enter the human blood, affect the central nervous system, accumulate in the body, causing allergies, cancer and other diseases. A significant hazard of CM is heavy metals, especially lead. Due to the above mentioned within the UN Global Alliance for Elimination of Lead in Paints have been established.
Most sanitary standards and rules for CM safety regulations in Ukraine do not meet the current requirements. In addition, there are no regulations that directly regulate the safety of CM.
Positive is the presentation of the draft technical regulation "On the limitation of volatile organic compounds content in certain categories of paints and varnishes" developed by the Ukrainian Paints and Coatings Association and Technical Committee of Standardization 168 "Paints and Varnishes", which is based on the Directive 2004/42/EC.
Conclusion. In Ukraine there is an absolute necessity for a significant upgrade of existing regulations and development the new regulations concerning the CM safety according to the norms of similar laws and regulations which work in the industrialized countries. The need for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation to European standards pursuant to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU will be the stimulus for doing this.

Author Biography

Iraida DUDLA, Chernihiv State Technological University

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


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How to Cite

DUDLA І. (2016). Harmonization of Requirements to Safety of Coating Materials in Ukraine and the EU. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 21(1), 222–235. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1208

