Impact of flour Zdorovia on the rheological properties of gluten of dough



gluten, elasticity, tensile properties, hydration ability, microstructure, flour, biscuit


Background. The group of authors has developed a way of production of wheat wholemeal flour, germinated in solution of sea food salt [8]. The received flour is called Zdorovia and can be considered as a food and dietary additive by production of biscuit semi-finished products.
The aim is definition of influence of the flour Zdorovia on quality and technological properties of a gluten of model compositions of high grade flour (HGF) and Zdorovia mixes.
Material and methods. The quantity and quality of a gluten of model compositions was defined according to DSTU ISO 21415-1:2009 [10], еlastic properties by the device IDK-1M [11], microstructure by a microscopy at increase by 120 times, hydration ability was determined by the relation of a mass fraction of the hydrated gluten to the mass of a dry gluten [12].
Results. The main indicators of gluten of model compositions in which the content of the flour Zdorovia varied from 10 to 50 % are defined. The content of the flour Zdorovia less than 10 % almost doesn’t influence indicators of biological value of products, and at increase in concentration of the flour Zdorovia more than 50 % a gluten in flour mixes is not washed off. At determination of elasticity it is established that the gluten of a control sample and a sample with concentration of the flour Zdorovia of 10 % after stretching gets an initial form at once. At increase of concentration of the flour Zdorovia to 30 and 40 % essential reduction of elasticity of gluten is observed. Addition of the flour Zdorovia reduces elastic properties of model compositions. The flour Zdorovia reduces total of gluten in mixes and worsens its elastic properties.
It is established that in flour model compositions with increase of concentration of the flour Zdorovia hydration ability of a gluten decreases: at addition 10 % of the flour Zdorovia hydration ability decreases by 1 % and 50–21 % compared to control sample. As a result protein framework has leaky structure that leads to weakening of gluten
Conclusion. The flour Zdorovia in mix with high grade wheat flour in all concentration which were investigated weakens yielding and elastic properties of gluten, reduces its hydration ability.
It has been proved that maximum content of the flour Zdorovia must be 30 % that provides acceptable indicators of quality of gluten to use in technology of egg sponge.

Author Biographies

Myhajlo KRAVCHENKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Olga ROMANOVS’KA , Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics KNUTE

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

KRAVCHENKO М., & ROMANOVS’KA О. (2016). Impact of flour Zdorovia on the rheological properties of gluten of dough. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 21(1), 177–184. etrieved from

