Fatty acid composition of lipids of paste-like food on a base of fresh water fish roe
roe, spread, lipid, fatty acid composition, biological effectivenessAbstract
Background. Animal fats prevail in a dietary structure of Ukrainian population; they are characterized by dominant content of saturated fatty acids and deficit of essential polyunsaturated acids. This nutrition type causes diseases in particular cardiovascular ones.
Development of pastes based on freshwater fish roe is one of the priority areas related to solving the problem of providing nutrition of Ukrainian population with biologically effective lipids and complex processing of raw materials of these types of freshwater fish like silver carp, common carp, carp.
The aim of the research is to determine a biological effectiveness of lipids of paste-like food substance on a base of freshwater fish roe.
Material and methods. The materials of research were samples of paste-like food substance (spreads) – Zakusochna spread [9] and Ikrynka spread [10]. Total content of lipids was determined by Soxhlet method. The research of lipids of fatty acid composition was conducted by chromatographic method by a gas chromatograph HRGC 5300.
Results. The total content of lipids in Zakusochna spread is 36.6 %, in Ikrynka spread – 40.1 %. An analysis of fatty acid content showed that polyunsaturated fat acids prevail in paste-like food substance. Ratio between saturated fatty acids (SAFA) : monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) : polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) doesn’t satisfy requirements of an ideal lipid. According to the ratio of fatty acids С18:2:С18:1 і С18:2:С18:3 both spreads satisfy requirements of an ideal lipid. The ratio of fatty acids of families ω6:ω3 for Zakusochna spread contents is 7.5:1, for Ikrynka spread – 5.4:1, under the condition of recommended 4:1–10:1, that testifies high lipid biological effectiveness of the developed spreads.
Conclusion. By the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential acids (linolic and docosahexaenoic acids) the developed spreads are foodstuffs that have functional ingredients with notable effect of lipid exchange normalization in a human body.
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