Sensory evalution of pastila products with stevia and elamin


  • Ludmila RADCHENKO Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics by KNUTE
  • Olena SOKOLOVSKA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • Anna GASANOVA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


marshmallow, pastila, elamin, stevia, organoleptic characteristics, sensory analysis


Background. Pastila products were developed with the help of mathematical modeling and experimental studies. Using these additives enabled to reduce the carbohydrate load on the human body and to obtain products rich in minerals, including iodine. Determination of the effect of additives on the quality of pastila products with stevia and elamin in the previous research became the basis for carrying out complex studies of their organoleptic characteristics.
The aim of the work is research of organoleptic characteristics of pastila products with stevia and elamin.
Material and methods. Research objects are marshmallows with stevia (aqua extract) Nasoloda, pastila with stevia (aqua extract) and elamin Exotica with stevia extract and elamin (aqua extract, stevioside) Smakota. As a control we used samples made according to the classic recipe (marshmallow Vanilla, pastila Vanilla) [11].
The study of organoleptic characteristics was conducted due to DSTU 4683:2006 (Confectionery. Methods for determination of organoleptic indicators of quality, dimensions, net weight and component parts) requirements and DSTU 6441–2003 (Pastila Confectionery).
5 point scale for pastila products was developed, the criteria in points for individual indicators for determining the quality of the gradation on the generalized evaluation of the samples.
Results. It was found that the developed pastila products exceed by sensory evaluation the samples prepared by the classical recipe. This was achieved through the functional properties of these additives which affect the improvement of pastila foaming process, as well as the stabilizing effect of elamin. Marshmallow Exotica received the highest score – 4.98 points, pastila Smakota – 4.83 points, while the pastila made according to the classic recipe was estimated at 4.75 points.
Conclusion. Experiments confirmed that using stevia and elamin for pastila product does not degrade the color of products, allows maintain and improve sweet and sour taste, flavor and texture. Designed pastila products are recommended as products of therapeutic and preventive action.

Author Biographies

Ludmila RADCHENKO , Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics by KNUTE

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director

Olena SOKOLOVSKA , Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


Anna GASANOVA , Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

RADCHENKO Л., SOKOLOVSKA О., & GASANOVA А. (2016). Sensory evalution of pastila products with stevia and elamin. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 21(1), 137–149. etrieved from

