Market prospects of physiologically functional beverages


  • Iryna KHAKHALIEVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


healthy nutrition, physiologically functional beverages, herbal raw materials, chicory, market, prospects, assortment


Background. During the last decades a new approach for nutrition choice step-by-step was formed among consumers on the background of priorities changes. It requires the modern solutions from producers and scientist. One of them is development and promotion of physiologically functional products (PFP) in particular beverages.
The aim of the article is defying the market prospects of physiologically functional beverages in Ukraine, their turnover, import and export, the analysis of world market volume.
Material and methods. The object of research is the structure of production and consumption of physiologically functional beverages, their assortment range in the world and Ukraine.
General scientific and special methods of knowledge of economic processes were applied. They are synthesis, analysis, systematic approach, comparison and generalization. Scientific reports and official statistic research data constituted the informational base of the research.
Results. Physiologically functional foods (PFP) are those which are able to satisfy specific purposes of human body or health claims with the help of particular nutrients.
Beverages are the best kind of foods for developing new types of PFP. It is explained by easy possibility of ingredients changing. The perspective raw material for such beverages production is herbal extracts and chicory which have an anti-stress effect [9; 10].
According to analytical agencies [13; 14] total market volume of PFB was $ 174 billion in 2016. The biggest share has North America which is 40 %, Asia Pacific region makes up 25 % and Europe makes up 20 %. The world market could be defined as oligopolistic. The biggest players are such companies as Nestle S. A., Pepsi Co., Kraft Foods, General Mills and Campbell Soup Co.
Ukrainian market is more complicated to analyze because PFB are not defined in statistic data. 446 million liters of juice and juice-containing products and 2345 million liters of non-alcoholic beverages and mineral water were produced in 2016. At the same time production of non-alcoholic beverages and mineral water in 2016 decreased compared to 2013. Simultaneously the production of non-carbonated mineral water increased and carbonated mineral water was decreased [21].
As for anti-stress beverages on the Ukrainian market, they are presented by products-analogues of five manufacturers in the form of tea and herbal tea. LLC Halka LTD (Ukraine) produces the main share of chicory drinks. Imports and exports of chicory during 2015–2016 decreased due to the suspension of trade with Russia. At the same time new export markets have not yet been found. However, lowering imports is an incentive for domestic producers to increase volumes of production of their own products, while European products in the Ukrainian market will not yet be competitive due to the high price.
Conclusion. In general, the market of physiologically functional beverages has a significant potential for development and is formed on the basis of changing the outlook of consumers to their own health, in particular in Ukraine.
In Ukraine over the past five years there has been a trend towards a decrease in the production of carbonated beverages, indicating a shift in consumer demand for non-carbonated drinks. The anti-stress beverages are presented by teas and herbal teas on the Ukrainian market. It opens the prospect for the development and introduction of new types of anti-stress PFP, in particular with chicory.

Author Biography

Iryna KHAKHALIEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

KHAKHALIEVA І. (2017). Market prospects of physiologically functional beverages. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 24(2), 104–116. etrieved from

