Effectiveness of marketing activity of an enterprise in conditions of risk



marketing, risk, uncertainty, marketing planning, marketing effectiveness and efficiency


Background. In conditions of uncertainty of processes occurring in the market environment of enterprises, when planning a marketing activity it is difficult to make confident conclusions about its expected efficiency. Therefore, in assessing the effectiveness it is advisable to take into account the risk. Analysis of recent research and publications has revealed that though there is a big amount of scientific works on the abovementioned topic, the issue of considering risk while planning the marketing effectiveness has not been studied enough.
The aim of the article is to develop methodological approaches to considering risks in assessing the efficiency of the planned marketing activity of the enterprise as whole and individual marketing programs.
Material and methods. Materials of scientific works are used. Methods applied: analysis and synthesis to determine marketing risks; statistical analysis to calculate risk indicators; logical to formulate recommendations for the selection of marketing programs.
Results. The methodical approach to taking into account risk in the effectiveness estimation and efficiency of planned marketing activity of the enterprise is offered; an example of choosing the best one from alternative marketing programs is considered. Recommendations on risk taking in evaluating the efficiency of individual marketing projects are provided.
Conclusion. Taking risk into account when assessing the efficiency of planned marketing activities will enable more reasonable marketing planning under uncertainty and will increase the firm’s resilience to the impact of risk factors.

Author Biography

Olena LABURTSEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

LABURTSEVA О. 2017. Effectiveness of marketing activity of an enterprise in conditions of risk. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 24, 2 (Dec. 2017), 28–39.