Implementation of standard ISO 9001:2015 provisions to improve quality management systems



standard, quality management system, terms and definitions, principles, process approach


Background. In modern conditions the most rational way of quality improvement for the organizations competitiveness is the introduction of quality management systems. This is confirmed by the fact that the ISO standards 9000 series have found the widest application. With more than 1.1 million of certificates, which were issued all over the world, the implementation of the ISO 9001 requirements enables the organizations to show their customers that they offer the products and services of consistently high quality. This standard is a tool for the processes optimization and improvement of organizations efficiency.
The purpose of the article is the detailed analysis of the approved at the international level ISO standard 9001 new version and its innovations, preparing of methodological framework for the implementation of the stated in the paper provisions by the Ukrainian organizations.
Material and methods. While writing the article the materials of the ISO standards 9000 and 9001 fourth and the fifth editions were used. The methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, induction and deduction, systematization of methodological approaches to quality management were used.
Results. New edition of ISO standard 9001:2015 contains some changes, which compared with the previous version were made to simplify the application requirements for organizations activity considering offers of their users. The standard ISO 9000:2015 "Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary" was revised and adapted too.
The new standard ISO 9001:2015 replaced the previous version and in accordance with international requirements the certification bodies should upgrade to use the new version during 3 years. They can provide certification on new version of standard since its adoption. Leading institutions, which certify the quality management systems, have already announced the termination of certification basing on previous requirements since September 2016. It will help to held last audit before 2018. Organizations, which already have certified their quality management systems according to the standard ISO 9001:2008, should gradually start the application of new standard edition requirements until September 2018.
While studying and analyzing the basic changes, which the fifth edition of ISO 9001 contains, it was found that the main innovations concern the standard structure, terms and definitions, which were used, quality management principles, the requirements for organizations quality management systems.
Conclusion. International standard ISO 9001:2015 compared with other versions has less binding nature. That increases the efficiency of its implementation through a combination of process approach and risk-based thinking. The main advantages of the document are the expanding of the potential implementation sphere and the responsibility for the quality management system, higher involvement of senior management, more optimal capacity of the organization’s performance analysis and monitoring.

Author Biography

Dmitry ANTIUSHKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

ANTIUSHKO Д. (2016). Implementation of standard ISO 9001:2015 provisions to improve quality management systems. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 21(1), 71–79. etrieved from

