Influence of antioxidant additives on the quality of waffle cake fatty fillings


  • Ivan SYROKHMAN Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Roksolana BOYDUNYK Lviv University of Trade and Economics


wafer cakes, antioxidants, thistle oil cake, peroxidation number, acid number, benzidine number.


Background. Waffle cakes contain a significant amount of fat that is why they are characterized by limited resistance to oxidation processes, leading to lower quality and reduced shelf life of products. Scientists are constantly seeking inhibitors of fat oxidation. Herbal antioxidant products are the most promising.
The aim is to justify the use and identify the amount of milk thistle oil cake (0.5 and 1 %) alone and in combination with succinic acid (0.2 %) for the extension of the storage of waffle cake fatty fillings.
Material and methods. The antioxidant properties of milk thistle oil cake (0.5 and 1 %) alone and in combination with succinic acid (0.2 %) on the confectionery fat for waffle and cooling fillings of non lauric type of "Violia"  series by PLC Vinnytsia Oil and Fat Integrated Plant were studied.
Research was conducted by rapidly kinetic method at temperature 80 ±2 °C with free access of atmospheric oxygen. Quality shift of fat samples was determined by accumulation of peroxide and carbonyl compounds, which react with benzidine, and free fatty acids.
Results. Rapid accumulation of primary oxidation products occurred during storage and there was a noticeable slowdown in the speed of the process only at the end of the storage. This is due to the volatility of hydro peroxides to high temperatures with the partial conversion of primary oxidation products into the secondary ones.
Adding 1 % milk thistle oil cake combined with 0.2 % succinic acid was most optimal in terms of slowing down the oxidation process.
Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted researches, it was found that milk thistle oil cake combined with succinic acid inhibit the oxidative processes in confectio­nery fats for waffle fillings during storage, which confirms the antioxidant properties of these substances. Using milk thistle oil cake (0.5 and 1 %) alone and in combination with succinic acid (0.2 %) for the extension of the storage of fat wafer fillings cakes was substantinated.

Author Biographies

Ivan SYROKHMAN, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Roksolana BOYDUNYK, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

External PhD student, assistant


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How to Cite

SYROKHMAN І. and BOYDUNYK Р. 2017. Influence of antioxidant additives on the quality of waffle cake fatty fillings. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 24, 2 (Dec. 2017), 77–85.

