Classification of goods as a tool of international trade transparency
classification of goods, nomenclature of goods, Harmonized SystemAbstract
Background. Practical application of classifications for analysis of the export-import operations in training, practical work of commodity experts, experts on international trade and customs need updating.
Material and methods. Methods of logical analysis, synthesis of scientific literature, statistics of exports and imports have been used. Authors’ experience of consulting and expert work in the analysis and forecasting of international trade flows has been used to form generalizations.
Results. Analysis of the most common international classifications of products has been carried out.
In the mentioned examples practical application of classifications of goods on the international level for analysis of goods’ exports and imports, tariff and non-tariff measures applied to commodities has been shown. The use of a market analysis of the International Trade Centre (International Trade Center, ITC) is suggested for researches.
Conclusion. It is confirmed that the use of goods’ classifications helps to improve the transparency of international trade and enables companies and institutions to support trade by identifying export / import opportunities and to compare the requirements for market access.
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