Globalization processes and trends of development of the wholesale trade



globalization process, wholesale, warehouse turnover, inventory, capital investments


Background. Globalization helps identify brand new patterns in the global economy, and it’s also true for the trade enterprises in Ukraine. Features and efficiency of the wholesale in market conditions, ways of its further development, strategic goals and objectives of this subsystem of the sphere of commodity circulation conceptually remain unsolved, hence the relevance of the research.
The aim of the study is to determine place of the wholesale trade in socio-economic development of the country and components and mechanism of regulation of wholesale trade enterprises as part of the sphere of commodities circulation in the modern world.
Material and methods. Methods of statistical analysis, which are published by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine are used in the article.
Results. Uniformity of the functions, organizational and legal forms of business are inherent for domestic wholesale intermediaries, though technologies do not contribute to the creation of effective competition. Enterprises that intend to provide wholesale intermediary services according to specialization must be properly equipped with handling equipment, working capital, human resources, etc. Current situation in Ukraine has led to an imbalance in the domestic market and national economic exchange between territories. There is a problem of the research of the availability of own warehouse space in the wholesale trade enterprises, since such information is not available.
Conclusion. In further development in the deepening globalization of trade it is necessary to establish close cooperation between producers, retailers with wholesale trade, organic integration of production and marketing of goods. Effective measure in this way may be the formation of logistical leading systems where modern management techniques of commodity flows can be introduced, the management mechanism of commercial activities of wholesale trade can be improved, which should be based on the application of modern scientific methods of marketing and management and ensure development and adoption of effective solutions to sustainability of current operations and formation of business strategy for the future.

Author Biography

Nataliya ILCHENKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economical Science, Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

ILCHENKO Н. (2016). Globalization processes and trends of development of the wholesale trade. "INTERNATIONAL·SCIENTIFIC-·PRACTICAL·JOURNAL·COMMODITIES·AND·MARKETS", 21(1), 5–15. etrieved from