Еdible film as a factor preserving the quality of fondant candies



fondant candies, edible film (coating), moisture content, reducing substances, degree of crystallinity, sugar crystals


Background. Ukrainian confectionery industry still doesn’t use edible films and coatings, unlike Europe, although the question of storage and increasing the biological value of some confectionery including fondant candy remains unresolved.
The aim is to identify influence of edible film (coating) on the quality of fondant candies and increase their biological value.
Material and methods. Edible films are made from film creator (starch, gelatin), plasticizer (urea), hydrophobic component (linseed oil) and solvent (water). Quality of fondant candies was evaluated by organoleptic characteristics (DSTU 4683: 2006) [20], moisture content (DSTU 4910:2008) [21] and reducing substance (DSTU 5059:2008) [22], weight reduction of products during the storage period. The size of the crystals of solid phase of fondant candy was changed by microscopy and the crystallinity of fondant candy by Matthews method [12] using X-ray diffraction analysis, followed by mathematical processing.
The study compared fondant candy manufactured in the laboratory, covered with edible coating (film) with samples of candy packaged in a synthetic film.
Results. The use of edible coating does not adversely affect on the taste, smell and form of candies, dry surface is not sticky to the touch, even the appearance is improved thanks to glitter.
The results of the study of the moisture content show that edible film is effective in saving weight of fondant candy during storage.
Increasing the number of reducing substances that affect on the hygroscopic properties of the candies during storage occurs with the same intensity both in a polymer packaging and in edible film.
The proposed film makes it possible to preserve the freshness of fondant candies not worse, and even slightly better than plastic because the amount of the crystalline phase in candies is 3 % lower.
Small crystal structure of candies is better preserved in samples of edible coating. For example, after 28 days of storage in a sample in synthetic packaging faction of crystals over 51 microns was formed, and in sample of edible film it wasn’t. Amount of smaller fractions (41–50 microns) in a control sample was than twice more than in the test.
The experimental studies found a significant proportion (67 %) of saved polyunsaturated fatty acids in candies with edible coating on the 42 day of storage.
Expedient is also the introduction of vitamin C in the film, which can provide the daily requirement of human by 95 % in it in the case of consumption of 100 grams of candy.
Conclusion. Edible film (coating) positively affects on the quality of fondant candies during storage and increases their biological value: organoleptic properties, in particular improved appearance by surface leveling and gloss; transpiration of moisture is slower; the amount of crystalline phase is 3 % lower; sucrose crystal size is kept at the same level as in control samples of polymer film; vitamin C and F increase in the product.

Author Biographies

Oksana SHULGA, National University of Food Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Anastasia CHERNAYA, National University of Food Technologies


Oksana PETRUSHA , National University of Food Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

SHULGA О., CHERNAYA А. and PETRUSHA О. 2017. Еdible film as a factor preserving the quality of fondant candies. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 23, 1 (Jun. 2017), 120–130.

