Innovation technologies of marzipan pastes




marzipan paste, whey dry demineralized, glycerin, adhesion, cohesion


Background. Taking into account the high level of import dependency, marzipan production in Ukraine is limited, as 80 % of the almond kernel consumed in Ukraine is from overseas production. This necessitates the search for new ingredients of domestic production, which will reduce the share of import dependent raw materials in the formulations of marzipan masses and reduce the cost of finished products.
The aim of work is to determine the rational concentration of whey dry deminera­lized as a part of marzipan paste, to investigate the surface properties of the control and tested samples.
Materials and methods. Survey of the surface characteristics of the control and investigated specimens was performed on a dynamometer connected to the MIG-1.3 measuring instrument, which allows characterizing the degree of adhesion of materials different in structure upon their surface contact. The adhesion strength is determined by the method of normal separation of the steel plate from the structured body (marzipan paste).
Results. Studies of the dependence of adhesion strengths on the concentration of MCSDs made it possible to establish an increase of this indicator 1.7–2.1 times against marzipan paste made by traditional technology. The tensile strength (cohesion) increases 1.6 times against the control and is almost independent of the concentration of MCCS, which indicates the strengthening of the bonds of protein molecules.
It is established that with increasing of the concentration of MSDD and contact time, the adhesive strength does not increase in direct proportion. During the contact time from 2 to 15 s, there is a rapid increase in the adhesive strength, and then, regardless of the concentration of MSDD, the adhesive strength increases gradually.
The strength of adhesion of marzipan paste, made by traditional technology, with in­creasing time of contact with air gradually decreases and by 60 s disappears. In the test specimens,the adhesion was observed even at 90 s and did not depend on the concentration of MSD.
It has been found that with increasing glycerol concentration from 1 to 6 %, the adhesion strength of marzipan paste decreases from 39.3 to 22.1 N/m² at 20 % MCSD concentration and from 43.8 to 23.0 N/m² at 30 % MCSD concentration.
Conclusion. It has been experimentally found that with increasing MCSD concentration in the formulation of marzipan pastes to 40 % the adhesion and cohesion strength increase.
Surveys of surface properties, depending on the contact time, have confirmed the possibility of prolonging the working time with the paste, which is an important factor in the modeling of curly finished semi-finished products made by hand.
In the industrial production of marzipan masses, the increase of adhesion has negative consequences. That is why the use of glycerol in the composition of marzipan pastes with MSD in the amount of 5 % by weight of solids has been confirmed, which allows to reduce the adhesion-cohesion interaction, which approximates to the similar indicators of marzipan pastes made by traditional technology.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo KRAVCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Larysa RYBCHUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

KRAVCHENKO М. and RYBCHUK Л. 2019. Innovation technologies of marzipan pastes. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 31, 3 (Sep. 2019), 105–111. DOI:

