Quality of cut meat products


  • Iryna LANYTSIA Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Liliya HIRNIAK Lviv University of Trade and Economics


cut meat semi-finished products, quality, mathematical model of quality estimation


Background. Meat products with additives and fillers is a specific food product. Usually addition of additives affects a wide range of characteristics and parameters of new products: organoleptic, physico-chemical, technological, nutritional value, etc. These indicators together are a decisive factor that determines the competitiveness of the deve­loped products on the market.
That is why there is an objective need for the application of the qualimetric method, which involves the combination of individual properties of the product, taking into account their importance. This makes it possible to assess the complexity of the newly-selected semi-finished products and to estimate them [1–3].
Analysis of the research and publications. Comprehensive indicators of quality on the principles of qualimetry were developed: for sausage products by O. P. Fursik, I. M. Strashinsky [4], bakery products by N. Z. Petryshyn [5], macaroni products were introduced in the special instructions of PJSC "Macaronna fabryka" (Kiev) [6]. Specialists from National University of Food Technologies H. F. Ivanchenko, E. N. Piven, D. I. Skobol proposed a mathematical model for assessing the quality of the bread [7]. Not enough attention was paid to evaluate the quality of the cut meat semifinished products by a qualimetric method in scientific literature.
The aim of the article is to compare the quality of the cut semi-finished products (cutlets and steaks) enriched with pea flour and amaranth grain processing products, using the qualimetric method.
Material and methodsThe objects of the study were cut semis (cutlets and steaks), in which part of meat raw material (10 %) was replaced with pea flour and products of amaranth grain processing (meal and flour). For control was taken cut semi-finished products, made based on only meat raw materials.
To study the quality of products, a qualimetric method for assessing the quality of semi-finished products was used. Among the main characteristics were selected nutritional (moisture content, protein, fats, carbohydrates and ash) and biological value (amino acid score, biological value of protein, biological efficiency of fat, content of vitamins and minerals), as well as organoleptic characteristics. Food and biological value was investigated using standard methods, and sensory characteristics were determined using the profile method.
Results. Taking into account weighting factors, a mathematical model of a complex index of quality of cut meat half-finished products was developed and these indices for the studied products were determined.
Among the cutlets products with amaranth flour had the highest complex quality index, and steaks with amaranth oil cake.
Conclusion. The developed qualimetric mathematical model of quality estimation of cutmeat semi-finished products allows to comprehensively evaluate the quality of these products, taking into account nutritional, biological value and organoleptic parameters.
The replacement of a part of the meat raw material by amaranth grain processing products more positively affects the complex quality indices and organoleptic parameters of the semi-finished products and finished products after roasting than with pea flour. That is why it’s recommended to introduce it into production.

Author Biographies

Iryna LANYTSIA, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Assistant lecturer at the Department of Food Technologies

Liliya HIRNIAK, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality


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How to Cite

LANYTSIA І. and HIRNIAK Л. 2018. Quality of cut meat products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 26, 2 (Jun. 2018), 157–164.

