Quality of cooked sausages with the additive of "Record-75"





boiled sausage, sausages, protein, protein-carbohydrate-mineral additive, quality.


Background. In order to improve the quality of sausage products, the part of the main meat raw material (beef, pork, poultry, etc.) during their manufacture is replaced by additivesor fillers of plant or animal origin, and the qualimetric method makes it possible to evaluate the quality product objectively and comprehensively.
The aim of the research is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of cooked sausage samples with the replacement of the main raw material by the protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive "Record-75" with the use of qualimetric method.
Materials and methodsThe research objects are boiled sausages (cooked sausages) in which 10 % of meat raw material is replaced by protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive. For control "Stolova" boiled sausage and "Do Snidanku" sausages are taken which are made on the basis of meat raw materials only according to DSTU 4529:2006.
The quality evaluation of the studied products was carried out using a qualitometric method, which includes the assessment of four groups of indicators: physico-chemical, microbiological, energy value and organoleptic properties. The final result of a product qualitative evaluation is obtained on the basis of the relative values of individual indicators taking into account the weight coefficients.
ResultsDuring the tasting evaluation, there was an improvement in taste, smell, juiciness and appearance in the developed samples with the replacement of meat PVMS. The protein content was also higher at 0.3 and 4.0 % compared with control variants. During the storage period, the number of microorganisms (MAFAnM) increased, but did not exceed the norm established by the standard. There are no bacteria in the group of intestinal sticks detected in the products.
In accordance with the qualitometric assessment of the quality the new types of product are "Kuriacha" boiled sausage and "Videnski" sausages with PVMS for organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological indicators and nutritional value have the value of the quality level K0 =1.1, which is close to the formula for healthy eating and can be recommended for use in a balanced diet.
ConclusionThe evaluation carried out with the use of qualimetric method, makesit possible to evaluate the quality of boiled sausage objectively and comprehensively. The replacement of a part of the meat raw material by the protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive (supplement) "Record-75" has a positive effect on the complex index of sausage products quality and is recommended for implementation into production.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla PESHUK, National University of Food Technologies

Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor, Professor at the Department of Technology of Meat and Meat Products

Olexandr HORBACH, National University of Food Technologies

Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology of Meat and Meat Products 

Larysa VOVK, Technology and Economic College of Bilotserkivsky National Agrarian University

Teacher of the first category, teacher of economic disciplines


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How to Cite

PESHUK Л., HORBACH О. and VOVK Л. 2019. Quality of cooked sausages with the additive of "Record-75". INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 29, 1 (Mar. 2019), 104–112. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2019(29)10.

