Technology of semi-finished products based on Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood




Jerusalem artichoke, dogwood, puree, semi-finished product, techno­logy, nutritional value


Background. The production of food products using non-traditional plant raw materials, due to the high content of BAS, minerals and vitamins in their composition, allows significantly increase their nutritional value, rational use of local plants, expand the range of special foods. Such raw materials include Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood. However, the existing processing technologies do not allow to fully realize their general functional and technological potential.
The aim of the workis to develop the technology of semi-finished product obtained with the use of Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood puree and to determine the quality and safetyindicatorsof the obtained product.
Materials and methods. Jerusalem artichoke tubers of the "Ideal" variety and dog­wood (Cornusmas L.) were used. The total chemical composition of the studied products is determined by standard methods.Toxicological research was performed by atomic absorp­tion method.Radiological parameters were determined by gamma-spectrometric method. Microbiological parameters of the semi-finished product during storage were investigated by sowing method.
Results. The technological scheme of the semi-finished product based on Jerusa­lem artichoke is given.The technology involves mechanical cooking of Jerusalem articho­kes and dogwood, their hydrothermal treatment, grinding, mixing in a certain ratio and hyd­rothermal treatment of the mixture.
It was found that the addition of dogwood puree allows to increase the total fla­vonoid content by eight times compared to Jerusalem artichoke puree. The main macro­nutrients are Copper, Calcium, Manganese, the number of which predominates. In contrast to background of these elements, the content of Chromium is negligible. In the ash part there are trace elements, among which Ferrum plays an important role. The results of toxi­cological and radiological research showed that the semi-finished product meets the requi­rements of regulatory documentation.
The method of preserving the semi-finished product by high pressure is recom­men­ded, which will ensure its microbiological safety for 30 days.
Conclusion. According to the results of experimental research, it was determined that the addition of dogwood puree to Jerusalem artichokepuree in the productionof semi-finished products allows to increase the content of biologically active nutrients in the pro­duct, in particular flavonoids. The obtained semi-finished product is toxicologically safe.
The use of high pressure as a method of preserving fruit raw materials is effective. The processingat values of pressure 500 MPa, temperature 25 ºC, for 15 ∙ 60 s, at which the semi-finished product meets the medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards of quality of food raw materials and food products for 30 days of storage, is the most effective.
Prospects for further research are to determine the possibility of using the semi-finished product for the production of structured dessert and sauce products, especially for the category of special purpose products. 

Author Biographies

Victoriya GNITSEVYCH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor 
at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business

Olena VASYLIEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor 
at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В. and VASYLIEVA О. 2020. Technology of semi-finished products based on Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 36, 4 (Dec. 2020), 82–92. DOI:

