Assortment of grain bars in the regional market




cereal bars, assortment, assortment indicators, retail chain.


Background. Nowadays, both in our country and the world as a whole, the upward trend in the nutrition of the population is the consumption of natural, environmentally friendly and health-improving foods. This is due to a change in the lifestyle of the population: today’s consumers tend to lead a healthy lifestyle without reducing its rhythm and pace and eat healthy food. One of such products is a cereal bar. This is a new generation of foods that is an abundant source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
The aimof the article is to study the assortment of cereal bars sold in Odessa retail chains.
Materials and methods. The analysis of the assortment of cereal bars sold in retail chains of Odessa was carried out using general scientific research methods, namely observation, analysis, and synthesis. Calculation of their assortment indicators was done according to standard formulas.
Results. The analysis of the assortment of cereal bars was carried out in such large supermarket chains in Odessa as ATBKopeyka, SilpoTavria V and Obzhora. Studies have shown that the assortment of cereal bars has changed significantly over the past two years: previously, this type of product was represented mainly by imported products (up to 5 trademarks) and to a lesser extent, by domestic ones (1–2 trademarks respectively), presently, the Ukrainian manufacturer is already represented by 4 trade­marks, and is a good competition for foreign products.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that cereal bars of domestic production are sold at reasonable prices: their cost is up to 6.00 UAH, while imported bars have a price tag between 5.20 and 14.99 UAH for one piece.
Conclusion. The research and calculations of the main indicators of the assortment of cereal bars sold in Odessa retail chains revealed that the trading chains chosen for the study cannot provide a rational, durable, complete and wide assortment of cereal bars to fully meet the needs of consumers. It was also found that the most variable assortment of cereal bars can be provided by the Kopeika trading chains of supermarkets, whereas the Obzhora supermarket chain is almost completely unable to meet the needs of consumers in this type of product. Thus, this means that it is necessary to hold various activities in the field of forming the assortment of cereal bars and improving their composition.

Author Biographies

Natela KORDZAIA, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

PhDin Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade

Inna KOVALIV, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs


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How to Cite

KORDZAIA Н. and KOVALIV І. 2019. Assortment of grain bars in the regional market. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 29, 1 (Mar. 2019), 40–51. DOI: