The ferrate technology of natural waters treatment




natural waters, uality, safety, iron compounds, potassium ferrate (VI), water deironing methods, ferrate technology


BackgroundToday it is important to use the resource of natural waters from artesian wells to provide the population with drinking water. The main methods of deironing water from natural sources were analyzed. Physical and chemical methods for removing of iron compounds from water have been considered. As an alternative to existing methods, water treatment by the ferrate technology is proposed, this relates to reagent methods of purification with universal action.
The aim of work is to prove the possibility of using ferrate technology to remove iron compounds from natural waters based on the study of thermodynamic and kinetic regularities of iron(II) reactions of different nature with potassium ferrate(VI), comparing it with adsorption purification by coal.
Materials and methods. The objects of the study are model solutions that con­tain soluble and insoluble simple salts, suspensions or colloidal forms of iron and samples of natural waters from pump-rooms of the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv, in which the concentration of iron exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.
The content of iron compounds before and after purification was determined by the spectrophotometric method (Specord 210 of Analytik Jena company) at a wavelength of 510 nm.
The removal of iron ions from model solutions and samples of pump-rooms water was performed by the ferrate technology and adsorption purification with activated carbon of the brand NORIT SA4 PAH (Netherlands).
The phase composition of the obtained precipitates was investigated by X-ray diffractometer DRON-2.0.
Results. Thermodynamic and kinetic regularities of the iron(II) reactions of differ­rent nature with potassium ferrate(VI) have been studied. The content of iron compounds in model solutions and samples of pump-rooms water of the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv was determined. Purification of experimental samples from iron ions by ferrate techno­logy in comparison with adsorption by coal has been carried out. The prospects of using a new ferrate technology for treatment of pump-rooms water from excess of iron ions are proved.
Conclusion. Thermodynamic and kinetic regularities of the interaction of iron(II) compounds of different nature with potassium ferrate have been studied. It was shown that chemical reactions of K2FeO4with solutions of FeSO4, FeCl2, Fe(NO3)2,as well as suspensions of Fe(OН)2, FeСO3and FeS proceed without kinetic complications and with high yield (~ 100 %). Instead of traditional oxidants in water treatment, it was proposed to use ferrates(VI) of alkaline metals.
For the first time, the fundamental possibility of using a new technology of natural waters purification to remove iron(II) compounds by ferrates(VI) was experi­mentally demonstrated.

Author Biographies

Dmytro HOLOVKO, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Inorganic Substances Technology and Ecology 

Iryna HONCHAROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management

Yaroslav BARASHOVETS, "Clean Water Systems" LLC



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How to Cite

HOLOVKO Д., HONCHAROVA І. and BARASHOVETS Я. 2020. The ferrate technology of natural waters treatment. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 34, 2 (Jun. 2020), 72–83. DOI:

