Economic and commodity assessment of varieties of sweet pepper, cultivated in Ukraine


  • Kateryna KALAIDA Uman National University of Horticulture
  • Aliona ZABOLOTNA Uman National University of Horticulture
  • Vitaliy PYRKALO Uman National University of Horticulture


sweet pepper, variety, quality, competitiveness


Background. In Ukraine, about 160 thousand tons of sweet pepper are grown, with an average yield of 11.3 t/ha. However, it is one of the key crops in vegetable growing. One of the obstacles to the dynamic development of the vegetable market in Ukraine is the lack of high-quality products.
The aim of the study is to conduct a thorough analysis of 65 sorts and hybrids of sweet red pepper of various dates of ripening, registered in the State Register of Ukraine, and based on commodity and economic indicators, mathematical methods to determine the most competitive ones for saturation of the domestic market.
Material and methods. The competitiveness determination of sweet pepper varieties is carried out based on methods of Professor V. A. Koltunov [12, с. 138–145] by economic and functional indicators. These methods are not limited to a certain number of varieties and involve a comprehensive assessment of key indicators on a rank scale.
Results.The State register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine is enlarged with new varieties each year. So, as of 2016, it numbered 112 varieties, in 2017 – 140, and in 2018 – 133 varieties.
Average yield of sweet pepper is in the range of 35.8–52.4 t/ha, the pepper weight is 114.4–130.1 g, the average thickness of the pericarp is 5.7–6.1 mm. Fluctuations in yield of early varieties occur in the range of 4.1 t/ha, medium-early – 4.3, middleripening and medium-late – 2.8 t/ha. By growing zones, the average yield in the Steppe is 46.2 t/ha, in the Forest-Steppe – 47.5, in Polissia – 46.5 t/ha, regardless of maturity stage.
According to the studies, most varieties are of good taste but none of the varieties meet the desired criteria. Breeders cannot achieve 100 % evaluation of all indicators but it is necessary to strive for 60–80 %. Thus, the competitiveness coefficient (Cc) is 0.8–0.6 and with lower indicators the varieties should not be included in the State Register.
From the group of early varieties (19 samples) of sweet pepper, only three of them have Cc 0.70–0.65.
Of the 19 early middleripening ones, four varieties stand out, which scored 26–27 points in the sum of a set of indicators in the calculation of competitiveness. Their Cc is 0.65–0.60.
Among the 25 middleripening varieties, there are three, for which Cc is 0.61–0.68, so, these varieties hold the first places in the ranking.
Conclusion. In assessing the competitiveness of vegetables, it is necessary to consider the basic economic, commodity and economic characteristics using the complex calculation methods of this indicator.
It is desirable to significantly reduce the list of varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper included in the State register, due to low value varieties, that will lead to an increase in planting areas and yield of competitive varieties.
Among 65 analyzed varieties, the highest coefficient of competitiveness obtained: from the group of early maturation varieties – Skrivia, Denis F1 and Krasnyi Rytsar F1, medium-early – Chervonyi dyvostvit, Tsenturi F1, Flaminho F1, Siaivo, middleripening – Mazurka F1, Antei, Aristotel.

Author Biographies

Kateryna KALAIDA, Uman National University of Horticulture

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology
of Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Aliona ZABOLOTNA, Uman National University of Horticulture

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technology
of Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Vitaliy PYRKALO, Uman National University of Horticulture

Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing
at the Fruits and Vegetables


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How to Cite

KALAIDA К., ZABOLOTNA А. and PYRKALO В. 2018. Economic and commodity assessment of varieties of sweet pepper, cultivated in Ukraine . INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 26, 2 (Jun. 2018), 110–120.

