Transport terminals in logisticssystems of freight traffic




transport cargo terminal, logistics intermediaries, forwarding agent, transport infrastructure, transport corridor, terminal transactions.


Background. Modern conditions of economic development require the business entities to find new approaches to understanding the essence of transport terminal complexes, as well as the mutual influence of all elements of the logistics of transport and technological systems in servicing cargo flows.
Analysis of recent researches and publications confirmed that in the conditions of increased interest in transport logistics, the important scientific and practical problem offunctioning of transport terminals as the key nodes of transshipment and transformation of material flows in the logistic chains of supply of consumer value remains unsolved.
The aim of the article is to summarize the theoretical and practical provisions concerning the specific features of the operation of freight transport terminals as the main elements of the country's logistics infrastructure, which greatly influence the state of its economic development, as well as to offer directions for the formation of managerial decisions on the operation of freight transport terminals.
Materials and methods. Research methods such as analysis of indicators dynamics; system situational and dynamic approaches to the evaluation of the functional of terminals in logistics systems; methods of systematization, identification, classification and grouping; comparison of the characteristics of the potential and the specific properties of different modes of transport were applied.
Results. The theoretical and applied aspects of functioning of transport terminals in maintenance of cargo flows in logistic systems are investigated. The state of development of the market of transport services by types of transport has been characterized according to the data of the State Statistics of Ukraine and the trends of volumes of cargo transportation, which are provided by transport and forwarding and operational services of terminals, are determined. The main features of transport terminals as a specific form of management of subjects of logistic activity are determined. The signs of the systematization of transport terminals in the context of logistic infrastructure are determined. Principles and directions of interaction of logistic intermediaries through transport terminals and interconnections between the elements of the complex of operations of the transport terminal in accordance with the choice of modes of transport and transportation methods are established. The influence of factors and indicators on increasing the competitiveness of transport terminal services is studied. The conditions of further development of services of transport terminals in the provision of optimization of cargo flows between the participants of economic relations are generalized.
Conclusion. The dependence between the level of competitiveness of the freight transport terminal and the complex of interrelated factors of influence is established.
The main principles of the location of transport terminal systems with the integration of different types of transport are proposed.
The criteria for placing the terminal in relation to the cargo owners are determined. It is advantageous to place in industrial zones or territories with high intensity of economic activity, which is connected with the profile of the terminal.
The sequence of estimation of processing operations portfolio at the terminal of large-capacity vehicles and the speed of execution of the corresponding operations, including waiting time, is proposed.

Author Biography

Anna ZIMINA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics


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How to Cite

ZIMINA А. 2019. Transport terminals in logisticssystems of freight traffic. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 29, 1 (Mar. 2019), 28–39. DOI:

