Housing quality indicators in Ukraine





housing quality assessment, indicative approach, system of housing quality indicators, consumer demands analysis.


Background. Recently, some specialists observed numerous deviations from the building normative requirements in the Ukrainian housing construction. In the main study hypothesis it is assumed, that such deviations may be caused by the imperfection of legislative and normative framework in the field of domestic housing construction, which, accordingly, affects the results of the housing quality assessment.
The analysis of recent researches and publications showed that there were not paying enough attention to the main problem of housing quality regulation in Ukraine – to the reasons for a significant number of regulatory requirements violations in the process of construction and operation of residential buildings.
The aim of the paper is to search for an approach to the objective indicators formation of the living environment quality obtained with ISO 9000 methodology from two different sources of quality requirements – from formal expectations of stakeholders and from legislative and regulatory constraints in housing construction.
Materials and methods. Qualimetric methods, indicative approach to quality evaluation and comparison method were used in the study process.
Results. Based on the housing quality system developed by the National Agency of Affordable Homes of Great Britain, using practical building experience in Ukraine, the main conflict indicators of housing quality were selected. In this indicators values the consumers' expectations do not coincide with Ukrainian regulatory constraints. The normative values of selected conflict indicators were determined in the analysis of Ukrainian normative documents in housing construction. Some Odessa real estate agencies provided the requirements of potential housing buyers in relation to the values of selected housing quality indicators. The analysis results revealed that the value of some selected housing quality indicators defined in the domestic normative documents do not coincide with both British requirements to residential buildings and the expectations of domestic consumers of housing. This leads to an incorrect housing quality assessment results in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000, because this standard considers quality assurance through products conformity both to regulatory requirements and consumer expectations. It is also may lead to some formal rules violations in housing construction, which developers are must do to ensure the demand for built housing in the real estate market.
Conclusion. Restriction of domestic standards in the field of housing constructionis not a result of a well-established dialogue with potential consumers, or with other professional players in the residential property market and its construction.
The results of the study indicate that the provided in domestic housing construction norms restrictions are not the result of a well-established dialogue either with potential consumers, or with other professional players in the residential real estate market and its construction, such as real estate agencies or development companies. In addition, the system of state residential sector regulation in Ukraine differs from similar regulatory systems of other European countries. In Europe the issues such as structural strength, safety of operation, etc. are rigidly fixed in norms. Other issues, such as kitchen or bathroom design solutions, are restricted not by national standards, but through local recommended best practices in the industry, similar to "CITYkeys" or "HQI".
This promotes both the greater flexibility to the latest consumers’ wishes, and understanding and compliance with these requirements by all participants in the construction and operation of housing.
The HQI Indicator is a tool to encourage compliance by all market participants with housing quality standards through the National Housing All Access Program (NAHP) and Affordable Housing Program (AHP).
Therefore, the proposed basis for the housing quality indicators formation in accordance with ISO 9000 should be the Ukrainian consumers requirements, compared with European recommendations in housing construction. The domestic housing regulation system needs its immediate improvement. The direction for further research may be chosen to develop a based on the indicative approach method for assessing the quality of the urban environment as a whole.

Author Biography

Iryna AZAROVA, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Project Management


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How to Cite

AZAROVA І. 2019. Housing quality indicators in Ukraine. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 29, 1 (Mar. 2019), 14–27. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2019(29)02.

