The mechanism of functioning of the "Single window" in the ports of Ukraine




single window system, logistics intermediaries, container transportation, freight forwarder, multimodal transportation, cargo configuration, transport infra­structure, transport corridor


Background. Establishing a nationwide approach to the sequence of processes and pro­cedures of customs formalities should become a holistic mechanism of regulation through the principle of "Single Window" border crossing, which promotes transparency, speed, simpli­city and reliability in freight transport, while ensuring state control and equality of all econo­mic relations.
The current stage of economic development requires in-depth research into the possi­bility of introducing the most effective tools to improve cargo handling procedures, accompa­nying operations and provide accessible, reliable and sufficient information to all stakeholders.
The aim of the article is to study the theory and practice of implementing the principles of the "single window" accompanied by freight transport, handling and trans­shipment of container and general cargo through the ports of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. Analysis of the dynamics of cargo handling volumes in ports; systematic situational and dynamic approaches to assessing the implementation of the "single window" principle; methods of systematization, identification, classification and grouping; comparison; determining the relationships and dependencies between the causal phenomena of economic development.
Results. Methodological and practical aspects of the introduction of the "single window" system through the ports of Ukraine in order to implement the principles of optimal operation of the mechanism of servicing cargo flows. The characteristic features of the gradual stages of application of the "single window" in Ukraine are determined. The impact of using the "single window" system for key business partners who perform the functions of handling and transshipment of goods during delivery to destinations is considered. The data of processing of consolidated cargoes in containers which are fixed in the system of "single window" through the main Ukrainian ports: Odessa, Southern, Black Sea are analyzed. The directions of development of service of cargo-transport operations with use of system "single window" are substantiated.
Conclusion. The introduction of the "single window" system will provide the most optimal procedure for crossing the customs border, transparency and clarity of the complex of logistics operations, as well as the implementation of the fiscal function to replenish the state budget. The principles of speed, reliability and professionalism will be implemented through the unification of electronic reporting, which will be provided to state executive bodies in electronic form, will form the appropriate functional and technical requirements for the automated reporting system. The main benefits for the state will be a more efficient and ra­tional allocation of resources; elimination of the problem of income shortfall; stricter comp­liance with the requirements of commercial enterprises; increase security; increase of honesty and transparency. Also, according to experts and the experience of developed countries, there will be a reduction in costs by reducing supply delays; acceleration of customs clearance and obtaining permits for shipment; transparent tracking of cargo movements and compre­hensibility of unified rules by all participants in the process.

Author Biographies

Anna ZIMINA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics

Svitlana LYSA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics


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How to Cite

ZIMINA А. ., & LYSA С. (2020). The mechanism of functioning of the "Single window" in the ports of Ukraine. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 34(2), 22–32.