Quality of wheat bread enriched with biologically active substances of onion





wheat bread, subcritical water, onion peel extract, biologically active substan­ces, bread quality indicators


Introduction. There is a need to develop technologies and recipes for food products enriched with substances that have a positive effect on human health. Onion peel contains bio­logically active substances of polyphenolic na­ture. To remove them, it is advisable to use a highly efficient method of extraction with sub­critical water.
Problem. Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods by the population, so it is advi­sable to study the possibility of using onion peels extract in the baking industry.
The aim of the work is to study the influ­ence of the inclusion of onion peels extract in the recipe of wheat bread on its quality.
Methods. Three samples of bread were made for the study: control according to the classic recipe and with the addition of onion peel extract by replacing the water recipe with 0.1- and 0.2-percent extracts. To determine the main indicators of the quality of the dough and fini­shed products there were used generally accep­ted, as well as regulated by SSOU methods and devices.
Results. When forming the volume, poro­sity structure and rheological properties of the dough, the best results were recorded in the sample with the addition of 0.1 % OP extract.
According to the physicochemical and orga­no­leptic properties of the finished products, bread with the addition of 0.1 % onion peels extract also obtained the best results.
From the studied structural and mechanical properties of bread during 72 h of storage, the value of elastic deformation of the samples with the addition of 0.1 and 0.2 % onion peels extract by 19 and 17 % was respectively greater than the control sample.
With the addition of onion peels extract to the bread recipe, the content of biologically active substances and the total antioxidant capa­city of the finished product increase, and the development of microorganisms in bread de­crea­ses during its shelf life.
Conclusions. The use of onion peel extract, obtained by extraction with subcritical water, does not require changes in the technological process, allows to enrich bakery products bio­logically active substances, get high quality pro­ducts and allows to maintain freshness and consumer characteristics of the product longer.

Author Biographies

Valerii SUKMANOV, Sumy National Agrarian University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Food Technology

Andrii SUPRUN, Sumy National Agrarian University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Food Technology


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How to Cite

SUKMANOV В. and SUPRUN А. 2022. Quality of wheat bread enriched with biologically active substances of onion. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 41, 1 (Apr. 2022), 104–115. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2022(41)09.

