Domestic trade of Ukraine: structural and dynamic analysis




domestic trade, trade enterprise, market, goods, digitalization, qua­rantine, turnover


Background. In a period of turbulent market environment, the problem of tracking changes in the development of domestic trade becomes particularly relevant. Many Ukrainian and foreign scholars have studied the problems of domestic trade. However, the challenges faced by trade enterprises in 2019-2020 and which continue to affect the development of domestic trade in various countries around the world are still little studied. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to determine the main trends in the development of domestic trade in Ukraine in the context of digitalization and pandemic on the basis of structural and dynamic analysis of this development.
Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, marketing surveys, etc. were used, as well as methods of statistical data processing, comparative analysis, induction, deduction, systematization, etc.
Results. A structural and dynamic analysis of the development of Ukraine’s do­mestic trade over the past five years has been conducted. It was found that even in the difficult conditions of 2020 related to the consequences of Covid-19, a number of enter­prises and companies (especially in the segment of food retail) continued to increase their capacity. More and more trade enterprises are turning to the use of digital technologies to improve performance and quality of decision-making in the business. It was substantiated that the tendency to increase the number of trade enterprises in Ukraine that had their own website played a positive role during the pandemic. The average annual growth rate of the number of such enterprises in 2014-2019 was 8,7 %. It was also found that potential buyers are actively using digital technologies to study goods and information about the services of trade enterprises. It was established that in Ukraine many potential buyers have a positive attitude to digital innovations in retail and actively use them.
Conclusion. In the development of domestic trade of Ukraine in terms of digi­talization and pandemics, several stable trends have been identified: 1) concentration of power in big network companies by increasing their market presence and developing online sales channels; 2) reducing the number of individual entrepreneurs, because some of them were economically unprepared for the lockdown-situation; 3) increasing the num­ber of workers in the field of trade who have begun to use modern ICT in their activities; 4) the emergence of the need to develop new business models for the development of trade enterprises with an emphasis on digitalization of business processes, the provision of remote work (for example, by connecting drones and similar equipment to perform the functions of goods delivery).
The results of the study can be further used to form innovative strategies for the development of trade enterprises.

Author Biographies

Galyna PIATNYTSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor, 
Professor at the Department of Management

Oleh HRYHORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, 
Associate Professor 

Maryna SHEVCHUN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

senior lecturer at the Department of Management


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How to Cite

PIATNYTSKA Г. , HRYHORENKO О. and SHEVCHUN М. 2020. Domestic trade of Ukraine: structural and dynamic analysis. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 35, 3 (Sep. 2020), 5–21. DOI: