Unit-economics of start-ups in the field of hospitality





startup, unit economy, hospitality, efficiency, optimization, strategy.


The study of unit economics of a startup is a very relevant task, as it allows to analyse the cost and profitability of individual components of the hospitality product. This can help founders determine the effectiveness of invested resources and make informed decisions about the further development of startups. Under the influence of the trends of digitalization of relations, hospitality entities face new challenges that require digital solutions and the develop­ment of startups, the effectiveness of which implementation must be objectively evaluated. Lack of research into the unit economics of startups causes strategic failures in the development of a viable business. The aim of the article is to consider approaches to evaluating the components of a startup's unit economy, which helps to implement the correct pricing, develop effective scaling strategies, and also ensure higher profitability of business in the field of hospitality. The conducted research is based on general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, comparison; empirical methods and logical modeling. The study formed an overview of the essence of startups and directions of their application in the field of hospitality. The concept of the unit economy and the benefits that this concept can bring to startups are characterized. The article examines how unit cost estimation helps to make the right pricing, develop effective scaling strategies, and ensure greater business profitability. It is determined which components of the unit economy can be important in the field of hospitality. Examples of the unit economy model for making strategic decisions in the field of hospitality are given. The con­ducted research forms scientifically based approaches to the determination of startup directions and identification of the stage of business development. The unit-economy concept with constant monitoring and control forms advantages when making management deci­sions; creates communication mechanisms with investors interested in understanding the startupʼs business model; helps to assess the potential of a startup product, which is especially useful in the early stages; creates an idea of the terms of achieving profitability and sustainability; the price level of the proposed startup product.

Author Biography

Liudmyla BOVSH, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of of hotel and restaurant business


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How to Cite

BOVSH Л. (2023). Unit-economics of start-ups in the field of hospitality. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 47(3), 15–32. https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2023(47)02