Counteracting hybrid threats in Ukrainian legislation
hybrid war, hybrid threats, national security, culture of security, long-term planning documents, sectoral strategic documents.Abstract
Introduction. Ukrainian legislation in the field of national security protection, including counteraction to hybrid threats, is conceptually complex: it regulates the main areas of real and potential threats, considers them in an inseparable connection of external and internal factors, the subject-ness of state, society and citizen; aimed not only at preserving the functioning of the state and the vital functions of society, but also at protecting democratic development, human rights and freedoms, the values inherent in Ukrainian society.
Problem. Some key legal acts in this area are still purely descriptive and declarative, do not provide mechanisms for their implementation.
The aim of the study is to determine the history of formation, structure, main characteristics and shortcomings of Ukrainian legislation in the field of combating hybrid threats.
Methods. Research methods used: historical and genetic; formal-dogmatic, structural and functional; comparative and method of reconstruction.
Results. Hybrid warfare can be defined as a new type of confrontation between states and with non-state actors, dialectically linked to the prohibition of conventional warfare in international law as a means of national policy. Ukraine has a well-developed system of legislation in the field of national security protection, including counteraction to hybrid threats, which is conceptually complex. But only in the face of Russian aggression, the principles and guidelines are supplemented by mechanisms for their implementation through the definition of a holistic culture of security, centralization and clarification of the institutional component of national security, creating a hierarchical system of interrelated regulations.
Conclusions. The current Ukrainian legislation in the field of national security is characterized by: hierarchical structure of regulations and institutional support; security component of all spheres of life awareness, idea of sustainability as vulnerability management and capacity building; expanding and modernizing the understanding of the subject of regulation, accounting the virtual space of confrontation.
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