«Linensi» program in competitive policy of world countries


  • Olga KARPYUK Department of Investigation markets non-production sphere Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine


cartel, competition, competitive policy, policy of weakening of responsibility.


Background. In terms of transformational economy of Ukraine the problems of implementation of competitive policy, improvement of mechanism of monitoring as to creation of competitive environment and the protection of competition become more actual. Assessment of peculiarities of international experience in weakening of responsibility by developed countries of the world is highly necessary for strengthening competitiveness of the economy of Ukraine as most of these countries keep in their hands real means of control over the world political and economic processes.
The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of international experience in weakening of responsibility by developed countries of the world and to define on this basis the areas of improvement of competitive policy in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. In the process of achieving of set aim in the scientific article general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were applied which allowed to implement conceptual unity of research. Normative legal acts, analytical materials, reports of the activities of the world competitive agencies (Ukraine, European Union, Germany, Canada, Australia, USA and Singapore), United Nations, The World Bank; scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists are the information base of the research.
Results. The peculiarities of international experience in weakening of responsibility by developed countries of the world, in particular, by Australia, Canada, Germany, Singapore and USA were investigated. Its kinds and programs for violation of competitive legislation by competitive agencies of given countries were analyzed.
Conclusions. Despite the fact that competitive agencies introduced different mechanisms of mitigation of punishment for violation of competitive legislation, strict sanctions for violation of requirements of this legislation remain typical. As of today the model of program of weakening of responsibility which is present in the legislation of economic competition protection requires certain completion. The present mechanism of monitoring of creation of competitive environment and protection of competition is based on promotion of development of fair competition and priority consumer rights. With it in the context of economic globalization it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to such element of government competitive policy as competitive culture. Advocacy of the competition should be held not only by Committee bodies but also by other public authorities and local governments in order to create the map of competitive state of Ukrainian climate for opportune detection and prevention of violations of legislation of economic competition protection.

Author Biography

Olga KARPYUK, Department of Investigation markets non-production sphere Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chief expert of the markets and telecommunications research


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How to Cite

KARPYUK О. 2016. «Linensi» program in competitive policy of world countries. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 85, 2 (May 2016), 77–89.

