E-governance in the field of real estate titles registration
e-government, e-services, public administration services, real estate titles registrationAbstract
Background. Nowadays we have a rapid growth of implementation and development of electronic services in general and in particular in the field of real estate titles registration. There is a need for a scientific analysis of the latest innovations in order to identify possible shortcomings in the current legal regulation of legal relations in the field of real estate titles registration, which can lead to numerous violations and can jeopardize the existence of private property institution in Ukraine.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. A lot of local scientists are engaged in researches on issues related to regulation of electronic public services, but the process of reforming the legal field of e-government in the area of real estate titles registration in recent years has remained beyond the attention of scientists and requires a more thorough study on the subject of compliance with the European vector of the domestic legislation development in this area of legal relationships.
The aim of the article is to analyze the modern trends in improving the state registration of real estate titles in view of the introduction of information technologies in Ukraine, in particular e-governance.
Materials and methods. The information background of the article consists of the academic papers of local scientists, Ukrainian laws and subordinate legislative acts as well as the reports of the European Union institutions on the implementation of e-government in the EU states are of great importance. The paper contains the use of the following methods of scientific research: analysis and synthesis, comparison, system and structural, logical method.
The results of the research. The modern trends in the formation of e-government system in Ukraine, in particular in the field of state registration of real estate titles are examined. The disadvantages of the electronic system of real estate titles registration are analyzed and determined the ways of its further development.
Conclusion. The development of e-governance, in particular the introduction of e-services, has been identified as one of the main priorities for reforming the public administration system. All the noted shortcomings in the projects of modernization of the real estate register system require special attention, its examination and careful preliminary discussions in order to prevent possible violations, losses and changes of the information, which consists in the state register of real estate titles, since real estate is one of the most important assets owned by any individuals and legal entities.
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