Technical barriers in international trade
non-tariff regulation, technical barriers in trade, technical regulation, standardization, «New approach», «Global approach», product safety.Abstract
Background. The state of the technical regulation indicates the technological progress of any country, the competitiveness of its products, as well as the reputation and technical ability of manufacturers and conformity assessment bodies with international requirements. In this regard, one of the main problemsin Ukraine is a new safety system of technical regulation that would meet the needs of a modern market economy, guarantees the safety of the products introduced into circulation, ensuring effective regulation and improving the business environment and would contribute to the integration of Ukraine into the global economy by removing TBT.
The aim of the research experience and the best practices in Europe and the world on non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity, investigation and development of a technical regulation system of Ukraine and the EU in order to eliminate technical barriers to trade.
Materials and methods. Materials –knowledge base, methods of scientific research: systemic, structural and functional comparative legal analysis, classification, synthesis and simulation.
Results. The article analyzes the current state of non-tariff regulations in international trade and classification of technical barriers to trade as recommended by UNCTAD. The authors analyzed the system of technical regulation and its role in the elimination of technical barriers in trade, the characteristic of technical regulation of the EU and Directives «New»and «Global»approaches is given. The article also addresses problems in the technical regulation of Ukraine to overcome the technical barriers in trade, the implementation of which will create favorable conditions for exports and imports of goods and services, trade and investment cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
Conclusions. Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation on technical regulation to the current state of technological progress is the main goal of its development. Implementation of technical regulations in line with WTO requirements and the EU in its entirety volume provide competitiveness of domestic products through the gradual integration of Ukraine into the EU internal market, to overcome technical barriers in international trade and strengthen Ukraine’s position in world markets through the recognition of Ukrainian technical regulation system at European and international levels.
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