Reform of local self-government in Ukraine



local self-government, local self-government authorities, territorial organization of power, decentralization, local community, voluntary association of local communities


Background. Formation of real local self-government, which would be based on the principles of the European Charter of local self-government, is one of the most important and difficult tasks of Ukraine’s development as a democratic state. Without its reform and implementation of decentralization we cannot overcome the negative trends in social and economic development of communities and regions, significantly increase the level and quality of life of most of the citizens of Ukraine. Only a paradigm shift in governance, consistent implementation of local self-government reform, empowerment of local governments would contribute to building local government based on democracy.
The aim of the research is to analyze theoretical principles and main directions of reform and decentralization of power in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. System of general scientific, philosophical and specially legal methods, that enables to achieves the goal, creates methodological basis of the article.
Results. An important task that should be solved in the process of reforming the political system of Ukraine is a radical increase in the role of local self-government institution in the mechanism of democracy and in the organization of administration at all territorial levels. Its transformation from a government appendage to independent really efficient tool of social governance can ensure sustainable development of communities and create civilized life conditions for citizens, will help raise the provision of social and administrative services to European standards.
Conclusion. As a result of local self-government reform and decentralization of power basis for a new system of local government should be merged municipalities, which are formed on a voluntary basis by legislative procedures with their own governments, including council executive bodies. In settlements whose residents have not received the status of municipalities should be formed BSP (bodies of self-organization of population), which form part of the local authorities of the municipality. State support is the starting point to create a new territorial basis of effective local self-government to replace outdated Soviet model. Ukraine must make this reform to build a truly European state.

Author Biographies

Yuri KREGUL , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Law, professor, head of the general legal disciplines

Vasily BATRYMENKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD, assistant professor of general legal disciplines


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How to Cite

KREGUL Ю. and BATRYMENKO В. 2016. Reform of local self-government in Ukraine. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 84, 1 (Apr. 2016), 17–27.




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