Financial support for higher educational institutions: the experience of Switzerland and the United Kingdom


  • Maria KLADCHENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


higher education, higher education institution, State financial support, Sources of financial support, Endowment, State credit for education


Background. Effective satisfaction of the needs of the society in higher education requires significant financial resources; therefore, each state seeks to define its own strategy and scenario of financial provision of higher educational institutions. Finding an effective financing mechanism requires an analysis of various, even diametrically opposed practices to justify the performance of financial systems adapted to socio-economic conditions.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of world experience and competitiveness of Higher education institutions in the market of educational services was the subject of research by many Ukrainian scientists, namely: T. M. Bogolib, L. S. Shevchenko, Ye. O. Malik, I. I. Gorin, O. Romanovsky and others.
The aim of this study is to identify the current productive features of funding the higher education institutions on the example of Great Britain and Switzerland.
Materials and methods. The method of analysis and systematic approach is used in the study. The information base is based on the analysis of scientific works of Ukrainian scientists and statistical data of British and Swiss origin.
The results of the research. The diametrically opposed systems of financial support of higher education of Great Britain and Switzerland, their different strategies and scenarios of development are investigated. The analysis of the mechanism of financial activity of higher educational institutions is carried out.
Conclusion. On the example of Great Britain and Switzerland, the link between the success of socio-economic development of society and the level of higher education is observed, since the universities of these countries are among the best in the world, and the level of economic development is one of the highest. It was made possible by the fact that the United Kingdom and Switzerland, although having different approaches to the financial provision of higher education, however their financial systems are adapted to their own potential and economic possibilities, which is decisive when choosing a financing scenario for any national economy.

Author Biography

Maria KLADCHENKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student of the Department of Finance


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How to Cite

KLADCHENKO М. 2017. Financial support for higher educational institutions: the experience of Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 93, 4 (Sep. 2017), 116–129.

