The transitivity of the national tourism system



tourism, national tourism system, transformation, transitivity


Background. The vector of the development of the national tourism system (NTS) in the national and global socio-economic space requires an understanding of the logic of transit processes, characteristic for the current economic situation. Today, the markers for the development of NTS is the unprecedented growth of information flows, the genesis of new risks and «challenges», which predetermines the study of the essence and features of its transformations.
The analysis of recent researches and publications gives grounds to state that research on the transitivity of NTS is relevant, since it provides an opportunity to investigate the state and peculiarities of the development of the ambitious nature of NTS with the discovery of contradictions, risks and effective alternatives to its development.
The aim of the article is to study the manifestations of transitivity of NTS as a latent process for determining the vector of its development in global coordinates.
Materials and methods. The scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of transformational processes and transitivity, as well as materials of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are theoretical and methodological basis of the article. In the course of the research a set of scientific methods and approaches was used: systemic, structural-functional, analysis and synthesis, comparisons.
Results. The essence and manifestations of transitivity of the national tourism system were investigated. The definition of transitivity of NTS is given. It is its property as a dynamic system to be in a state of constant motion under the influence of exogenous factors, which directs its movement towards an innovative model of development as the basis of ensuring competitiveness on the local and global tourist markets. Taking into account the global and local factors influencing the development of NTS, the time and structural parameters of the transitory nature of the NTS are presented. The study of the preconditions of origin and the processes of formation and development of NTS made it possible to propose a mechanism for its transitivity. It is revealed that the necessity of increasing competitiveness and adaptation of NTS to international socioeconomic processes determines its orientation and taking into account the principles of transitivity.
Conclusion. The national tourism system of Ukraine functions and develops under the constant influence of the transformational driving forces of different nature, power, and consequences. These forces fundamentally change the scale, components and relations between external and internal factors of the development of the national tourism system, under the influence of which a new type of socio-economic relations is formed – the transitivity, which is based on contradictions, which lead to changes in the qualities of various spheres of society, including the tourism.
The need for the growth of competitiveness and adaptation of NTS to international socio-economic processes predetermines its orientation to the principles of transitivity, that is, taking into account not only national but also supranational aspects of development in order to ensure its stability and efficiency, since the NTS, having the properties of transitivity, will be able to successfully operate in rapidly changing external and internal environments.

Author Biographies

Margaryta BOІKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Nadiya VEDMID, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Dean of Faculty of Restaurant,
Hotel and Tourism Business of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics

Alla OKHRIMENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D., Associate Professorof the Hotel and Restaurant businessDepartment
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 


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How to Cite

BOІKO М., VEDMID Н., & OKHRIMENKO А. (2018). The transitivity of the national tourism system. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 100(5), 55–69. etrieved from

