Ecological warnings in diplomacy of peace and trade



ecological warnings, diplomacy of peace, foreign policy, international trade, environmental safety, strategic partnership


Background. The modern era of humanity differs from the previous ones not only by its grandeur, scale, dynamism and riskiness in transforming the environment of its existence, but also by inducing new and more ecological spheres of «dialogue» between society and nature, diversifying their inventions about dominance, order and coercion. The philosophical concept of «nature» indicates not only its content harmony, but also the ancient origins of environmental risks. The heyday and decline of civilizations are associated with political actions and wars as a consequence of the development of trade and economic relations and the protection of territorial interests. This is evidenced by the history of diplomacy in the world, which had documentary warnings and real facts of environmental neglect, which measures could be taken into account: victory or defeat in a political or military confrontation; gain or loss in management; income or loss in trade; recovery and risks in nature management.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The ecological vector of scientific researches, devoted to diplomacy and trade, embraces the historical, philosophical, political science, natural sciences, economic, sociological, archeological, cultural and other spectrum of development of society.
The aim of the article is to study the sources of environmental constraints in the historical aspects of diplomacy of peace and trade as prerequisites for the development of economic interaction and effective consolidation under conditions of globalization.
Materials and methods. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the methods of logical-analytical, step-by-step, abstraction, generalization, which reveal the dualism of the ecological foundation in diplomacy through the balancing of forces of struggle and cooperation, are used in the article. Special methods allow determining the extent to which the goals of the diplomacy of peace in the process of stimulating trade are established.
The results of the research. Foreign policy was shaped with the development of human civilizations, which somehow sought to contact in different ways of interaction (peaceful/military) on the basis of prevailing ideology, religious studies, natural science and resource consumption. The natural conditions of the regions of the ancient world differed and therefore influenced the economic potential, commerce, trade. The intentions and efforts for the contact of communities were correlated with the knowledge of nature, the transformation of the environment, management, trade, and the emergence of resource expansionism. The functioning of the ancient policies was accompanied by the exchange of embassies and missions, the conclusion of defensive and offensive Union treaties. The art of negotiations and strategies, the culture of dialogue with foreigners and competitors was important for diplomatic «maneuvering» in the field of trade. The formation of environmental processes, updating the states of objects of the environment, behavioral models and organizational forms were traced in the nature of the effectiveness of communities and entrepreneurship of people. Diplomacy of the world has gradually acquired economic contours as a component of trade relations. Modern diplomacy is in a transformational state on the demand of expanding its functional capabilities to influence institutional mechanisms for counteracting globalization and environmental metamorphoses.
Conclusion. Despite the existing controversy of thoughts of thinkers, historians, scientists and politicians about mechanisms for reaching consensus in the plane of stability and vigilance of the actions of the subjects of diplomacy of peace, it will always be a reflection of the progressiveness of mankind. The reason for this is the environmental constraints that arise in the environment as a reaction to the natural and energy balance, the quality and safety of the living space of society. Diplomacy of peace and trade have common origins, that will manifest themselves in a new way and scale in the age of globalization, prompting humanity to achieve ecological and social benefits based on an integrated format of political, communication, innovation and cultural relations between countries.

Author Biography

Alina BOKHAN , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor,
Doctoral Student at the Department of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite

BOKHAN А. (2017). Ecological warnings in diplomacy of peace and trade. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 93(4), 71–83. etrieved from

