India in free trade agreements


  • Rahul Nath CHOUDHURY Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi


WTO, Free trade zone, Service Trade


With the establishment of WTO in 1995, a race has started among the international communities to enter into FTA or some other forms of trade agreement. India is also not far behind its counterparts. Till now India has signed about 10 FTA’s with different countries of the world. The current study examines the involvement of India in the different trade agreements. This paper tries to assess India’s gain from three major FTA’s (Japan, Singapore, and South Korea) in the service sector which it has signed in the recent time. The current study also explores the increasing role of service sector in the world trade along with India. 

Author Biography

Rahul Nath CHOUDHURY , Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi

Ph.D., Consultant


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How to Cite

CHOUDHURY , R.N. 2017. India in free trade agreements. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 93, 4 (Sep. 2017), 57–70.

