Transformation of Ukraine’s trade relations in the Middle East and Africa
post-war reconstruction, trade cooperation, Ukrainian economy, markets of the Middle East and Africa.Abstract
Introduction. On February 24, 2022, the territory of Ukraine was attacked by the Russian Federation, and for the fourth month the country’s economy has been under the destructive influence of this aggression.
Problem. At the stage of post-war reconstruction, which begins in various regions of Ukraine as soon as active hostilities cease, it will be important to restore the stable functioning of Ukrainian industries and return to international markets of major domestic exporters. Increasing the effectiveness of foreign trade is one of the main sources of financial resources to fill the budgets of different levels.
The aim of the article is to identify the changes in Ukraine’s trade cooperation with the states of the Middle East and Africa in the post-war reconstruction.
Methods. A set of complementary methods of scientific identification of economic processes and phenomena is applied: system-structural, comparative and statistical analysis, as well as process, information and institutional approaches.
Results. The conditions and factors of development of each of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa lead to the formation of its own trajectory of trade ties with Ukraine. In order to determine the prospects and strategic priorities in the formation of relations with these countries, a comparative analysis of trade cooperation with each of them. The calculated indicators demonstrate the importance of the region's markets as strategic, their loss may have a negative impact on Ukraine’s balance of payments, especially in martial law and further post-war reconstruction.
Conclusions. Solutions that can ensure the rapid recovery of Ukraine should combine existing support instruments, as well as the process of forming a comprehensive long-term approach to the planning and implementation of national economic interests.
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