Genesis of urban planning legislation of Ukraine
construction industry, development, legislation, construction activitiesAbstract
Background. The article covers the issues related to the genesis of the legal framework of the construction industry in the period of becoming an independent Ukraine to this day. An analysis of the legislative acts regulating and regulating construction activity in the relevant stages of the development of construction legislation was made. The contents of these periods are investigated and their peculiarities are revealed. The basic tendencies of genesis of the building legislation in the modern period are traced.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Taking into account its relevance, the topic of development of the legal framework of the construction industry became the object of scientific research N. Gustik, O. O. Kvasnitskoy, T. O. Kolomoets, N. Melnka, M. S. Lavrentyev, V. O. Olyukhi, V. V. Revenko, I. A. Tarasenko, V. I. Skull, O. Yankovskaya and other authors. However, a thorough study of the development of the legal framework of the construction industry in independent Ukraine was not conducted, which makes the relevance of such a study.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article is a system of general scientific and especially legal methods of cognition. The information base of the article is the legislation of Ukraine, national statistical directories.
Results. Since independence, Ukraine has come a long way in its development, during which a number of important acts have been adopted that allowed forming the legal basis for regulating construction activity. At the same time, due to the integration and adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the European standards, the building legislation has been substantially changed, and the process of harmonization of normative acts has not been completed. Ukraine for the period until 2015, but the action plan has not been fully implemented and the new Concept has not yet been developed.
Conclusion. Confirmation that local legislation will be delayed by various factors: development and adoption of a single codified actual in-city construction that uses systematic large volumes required for urban development; the presence of harmonious Asian Ukrainian factors to European standards; the development and adoption of the Concept that is being implemented is growing with the business building in Ukraine.
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