Puhachevska K. The potential of the EU market for Ukrainian exporters



export, export potential, European Union, deep and comprehensive free trade area, export promotion


Background. The suggested scientific article is devoted to topical issue of forming an effective model of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU caused by the signing of a deep and comprehensive free trade area. Consideration of this issue is based on the research of the exports dynamics of goods and services to the EU, identification of opportunities for access of Ukrainian goods to the EU market.
The review of scientific sources in this area indicates that among the scientists the discussions on the potential opportunities of the release of Ukrainian producers on the EU market are conducted. The issues of the impact of the DCFTA on the economic development of Ukraine are studied in a small number among the existing works. However, the trends of exports of goods and services to the EU need further research, and the identification of the problems for domestic exporting enterprises when entering the European market.
The aim of the research is the assessment of the trends of the development of the export of goods and services to the EU and problems for Ukrainian producers when entering the European market.
Materials and methods. In the scientific article the following methods of research are used: axiomatic (during the justification of certain provisions as initial axioms), statistical (for setting the dynamics of the main indicators of the development of exports, its commodity and geographical structure), methods of comparative analysis and generalization of data (for identification of problems and development trends of exports to the EU). The works of domestic scientists, materials of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine became the information base for the research.
The results of the research. The comparative analysis of indicators of the economy openness of Ukraine and European countries is conducted. Indicators of development of exports of goods and services to the EU and its geographic and commodity structure are assessed. The export orientation of certain types of economic activity on the basis of the tables «expenses-output» is calculated. The extent of the unification of Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of technical regulation, standardization and metrology with European requirements. The main problems faced by Ukrainian commodity producers when entering the European market are determined.
Conclusion. The results of the research gave the opportunity to conclude that among the key problems in the sphere of foreign trade with EU countries, in particular in terms of its export component is dominated by raw material orientation of Ukrainian exports for the simultaneous import of goods with high level of processing and as a result, inefficient structure of foreign trade; insufficient integration of Ukraine in the system of international technological cooperation; the dependence of export production on imports of goods for intermediate consumption; low level of support of small and medium businesses in the sphere of foreign economic activity; insufficient level of export promotion of Ukraine on the European markets.

Author Biographies

Tetiana MELNYK , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of international economic relations

Kateryna PUHACHEVSKA , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer of the Department of international economic relations


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How to Cite

MELNYK Т., & PUHACHEVSKA К. (2017). Puhachevska K. The potential of the EU market for Ukrainian exporters. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 91(2), 5–18. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/foreign-trade/article/view/386

