Rating in assessing the competitiveness of higher education institutions





higher education institutions, rating, evaluation criteria, competitiveness of higher education institutions, internationalization, global educational space


Background. The diversity of interests of different groups of stakeholders in higher education institutions necessitates a comprehensive approach to assessing their competitiveness. One of the tools for its implementation is the use of integrated assessments and recognized competitiveness ratings.
The aim of the article is to form a holistic model of assessing the competitiveness of IHE in the coordinate system of national and international measurement indicators on the basis of the analysis of the principles of construction of the most famous modern world and national ratings.
Materials and methods. Methods of structural-logical analysis, comparison, generalization, statistical and other methods were used when conducting research.
Methodological and informational basis of the work are scientific works of domestic and foreign authors, materials of periodicals, Internet resources, current normative-legal acts in the field of higher education, public analytical information, etc.
Results. Ratings, which are becoming a powerful tool for competition in the global market of educational services, are an integral tool for the formation of the state’s reputation in the conditions of development of the knowledge society. Most of the countries in the world in their educational policy aim at ensuring a greater presence and high positions of national IHEs in the international competitiveness ratings.
The considered methods of rating formation and the results of universities in its show not so much the better or worse positions of Ukrainian IHEs as the systemic problems of Ukrainian higher education as a whole. National ratings, however, indicate that the level of education based on quantitative indicators is biased. At the same time, high ranking positions are not only a sign, but also an important incentive to increase the competitiveness of a higher education institution.
According to the logic of this approach, the competitiveness of higher education institutions should be ensured mainly in the following areas of activity: development of science; achievement of high level of qualification of graduates and their demand in the labor market; increasing academic mobility; increasing the proportion of foreign students.
Conclusion. The integration of Ukraine into the global space of higher education and science, the intensification of competition for intellectual resources obtaining, require innovative theoretical approaches, modernization of methods and practical tools in managing the competitiveness of higher education institutions.

Author Biography

Alla BIDIUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Director of the Institute of Higher Qualification


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How to Cite

BIDIUK А. (2019). Rating in assessing the competitiveness of higher education institutions. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 105(4), 95–108. https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2019(105)08

