Supreme state financial control in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine


  • Tetiana KOSOVA Zaporizhzhya Classical Private University
  • Volodymyr SHEVCHENKO Accounting Chamber of Ukraine


state financial control, international standards, supreme bodies, type of coordinated audits


BackgroundThe European vector of integration of Ukraine requires the reform of public finance management in the area of the budgetary policy, internal control and external auditing. Article 346 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union (EU) stipulates that cooperation in the field of public finance management is aimed at ensuring the development of budgetary policy and sound internal control and external auditing systems based on international standards, and are consistent with the fundamental principles of accountability, transparency, economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Analysis of resent researches and publications. Problematic aspects of the organization of state financial control are in the field of scientific interests of many scientists. The main ones include incomplete provision and timely use of budget funds, the lack of powers of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine to apply measures of influence to violators of the budget process. The analysis of funding and the implementation of the programs of sectorial budget support of the European Union has established the fact of insufficient provision and timely use of these funds.
The aim of the article is to determine the priorities for the development of the external auditing industry and the strategic tasksfor improving the organization of supreme state financial control in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The system approach is used when disclosing the essence of the external state financial control, standardization methods – to improve the regulatory support of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine, scientific abstraction and synthesis – in substantiating the directions of increasing the efficiency of the organization of the supreme body of state financial control.
The results of the researchThe Institute of External Auditing is a system of external, independent control on behalf of society on the activities of the state on the management of national resources of the country, which manifests the following constitutional principles of state activity, such as democracy, openness of power, the priority of human rights in civil society. At the same time, the authorities should promote the openness of external control, as the auditor’s conclusion is an effective mechanism for the legitimization of socio-economic decisions of the state. Besides, developed external auditing is an effective tool for reducing information asymmetry in civil society and state relations, and at the same time, it contributes to improving the efficiency of the state apparatus as a whole.
ConclusionIn modern conditions, the priorities of the development of the external auditing industry in Ukraine are: application of international standards for supreme financial control bodies, standards of the international organization of the supreme control bodies, organization of the supreme financial control bodies of Europe. The strategic tasks are: promoting sustainable development of the state, combating corruption, dissemination of ethics and general guidelines for performance auditing, institutional formation of the system of supreme state financial control.

Author Biographies

Tetiana KOSOVA, Zaporizhzhya Classical Private University

Doctor of Economics, Professorof the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance,
Zaporizhzhya Classical Private University

Volodymyr SHEVCHENKO, Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

Chief Specialist of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine


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How to Cite

KOSOVA Т. and SHEVCHENKO В. 2018. Supreme state financial control in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 96, 1 (Feb. 2018), 121–129.

