Industrial parks: the tool for stimulating the state’s economic development




industrial parks, economic development, taxation, free economic zones, innovations


Background. In the current conditions of the national economy operation the enhancement of its competitiveness is of particular importance and is one of the most important determinants of the dynamic development of the state. In this connection, it is relevant to study the current world experience in implementing organizational and institutional forms of stimulating innovative growth, in particular, of industrial parks in order to use the results obtained in Ukrainian realities.
Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that despite the presence of some scientific achievements, the question of research into the world experience of state support for innovative development remains to be solved, which must be taken into account when introducing modern technologies of industrial production organization.
The aim of the articleis to summarize international experience in granting tax and other preferences to industrial park residents in order to implement best practices in the Ukrainian economy.
Materials and methods. A set of complementary methods for the scientific study of economic processes and phenomena using statistical and analytical materials of the World Bank Group, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, as well as the results of its own scientific research.
Results. It is proved that although the process of de-industrialization is observed in most countries with high level of development, the fundamental difference is that in developed countries this process is gradual, and the reason for the decline in the share of industry in the GDP is the accelerated growth of the service sector, i.e. the transition to the post-industrial stage. The main forms of state support for the development of industrial parks in different countries were identified. It is determined that these incentives are of particular importance at the initial stage of operation of the park, when residents have not yet launched full-scale activities that can compete with established global manufacturers. The essence of these preferences and incentives is to temporarily exempt from taxes and fees, provided that the funds released are channeled to investment purposes and / or to increase production and exports. It is proved that the Ukrainian practice of using this mechanism should be extended with the use of appropriate state aid, namely they should cover exemptions from VAT, exemption from payment of real estate taxes, land tax, provision of preferential tariffs for utilities within parks, partial compensation of social deductions for the salaries of highly qualified employees working on the profile activity of the park.
Conclusion. The research of the world practice of development of industrial parks in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the country and enhance its economic development has made it possible to determine that one of the main factors for creating favorable conditions for attracting investment in an industrial park should be the provision of a number of tax and other preferences to its participants through state and local funds budgets. Accordingly, it is considered necessary to carry out detailed forecast calculations of the expected effect on tax revenues resulting from the economic activity of the residents of the park.

Author Biographies

Valeriy YUZBA , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of  the Department
of World Economy

Olexiy SAMOVALOV , KP «Dnipro Development Agency» of the Dnipro City Council

Deputy Director for business projects


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How to Cite

YUZBA В. and SAMOVALOV О. 2019. Industrial parks: the tool for stimulating the state’s economic development. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 107, 6 (Dec. 2019), 37–48. DOI:

