The influence of world technological trends on the formation of a «smart» retail


  • Liubov FEDULOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


«industry 4.0»,, the newest technologies,, «smart retail»,, internet things,, non-technological innovations.


Background. The peculiarities of development of the modern global world due to the processes of neoindustrialization, informatization, the emergence of new technologies and mobile automated high-tech industries, lead to radical changes that shape the modern type of economy of developed countries and have a significant impact on the trade.
The aim of the article is to define and justify the world trends of socio-economic development under the influence of the latest stage of the scientific and technological revolution, as well as to identify the peculiarities of the influence of digitalization on the formation of «smart» retail and the characteristics of this process in Ukraine.
Results. The world technological trends and peculiarities of socio-economic development under the influence of «industry 4.0» were determined and grounded. The world tendencies of the influence of digitalization on the formation of «smart» retail and peculiarities of this process in Ukraine are revealed. Proposals for ensuring the technological level of trading enterprises in Ukraine are developed taking into account the global challenges and prospects of attracting intellectual potential in the formation of their innovation policy.
Conclusions. It is substantiated that today the challenges of global socio-economic development, due to increasing rate of new technologies creation, increase productivity and reduce production costs, increase its customization (adaptation of the mass product to the needs of a particular consumer); accelerates the process of intellectualization and robotics of enterprises, actualizing the tendencies of reducing the time for the introduction of new products based on the concept of open innovation.
In the field of retail, the most valuable examples of technology use (both for sellers and for consumers) are those that increase the efficiency in trading experience. «Smart»retail will provide optimization of resources in future will increase the quality of services due to the skillful management of demand and supply, will increase investment activity. And although «industry 4.0» is considered an industry of the future, active realization of its results is carried out today. In order to take a worthy place among the developed countries of the world, domestic retailers need to be actively involved in world processes that are associated with a new trend of economic development. For this there is a need for highly skilled workers, which determines the relevant changes in education and science in relation to the models of training of the relevant specialists, what should be further research.

Author Biography

Liubov FEDULOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Management,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


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How to Cite

FEDULOVA Л. 2018. The influence of world technological trends on the formation of a «smart» retail. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 96, 1 (Feb. 2018), 5–21.

