Global measurement of intellectual property development
intellectual property, globalization, royalty, information technology.Abstract
Background. The modern concept of the development of economy and society embodies the Fourth Industrial Revolution («Industry 4.0»), which is characterized by the transition from the usual automation of the production and use of information technology in production to the network of resources, information flows, objects and human.This increases the cost of research and innovation development processes that stimulate innovation in enterprises of all spheres and industries, promote the development of the intellectual property market, and increase the rates of export and import of royalties and other services related to the use of intellectual property.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Analyzing the work of scientists on the problems of the formation and development of intellectual property, it has been established that globalization factors have a significant impact on the dynamics and vector of processes associated with the development and use of objects, which is the result of creative activity. Problems of the formation and development of intellectual property in the context of globalization processes are investigated in the scientific works of such Ukrainian and foreign scientists as V. Heyets, O. Grytsenko, T. Deineka, M. Boyko, V. Budanov, R. Buritt, T. Kvasha, K. Christie, A. Mazaraki, T. Melnyk, S. Melnichenko, A. Ohrimenko, T. Pisarenko, I. Repina, O. Fomina.
Taking into account the constant transformation processes and the rapid development of the intellectual property sector, there is a need for constant research of the main tendencies of both world and domestic intellectual property markets, the place of indicators of global indices of Ukraine in the world rating, issues of financing innovative projects, capitalization of the results of intellectual activity in the intangible assets of enterprises, main indicators of commercialization of intellectual property objects.
The aim of the article is to study the main trends in the development of the intellectual property market in the global space.
Results. The analysis makes it possible to conclude that today the global trend is to increase the cost of research and development in order to create and further commercialization of scientific knowledge.There is an increase in not only absolute costs of research and development, but also relative, that is, their share in GDP.Based on the generalization and systematization of the results of the research of the Association «IT Ukraine» and the Office of Effective Regulation, the article concludes that Ukraine's information technology sector is the second largest export service sector, which accounts for 20 % of the total exports of services. There is a positive dynamics in the number of industrial designs, the volume of exports of knowledge-rich services and the growth of the number of international joint publications in Ukraine.
One of the ways to use intellectual property objects is licensing, which involves the full or partial transfer of property rights to intellectual property objects.The number of registered licensing agreements that make such relationships between business entities is also one of the indicators that reflects the situation on the intellectual property market.It was found that trade in intellectual property objects in the EU was resistant to economic crisis and showed growth.
Conclusion. The analysis makes it possible to conclude that Ukraine is actively integrating into the world intellectual property market.On the basis of the study of the peculiarities of the development of the field of intellectual property in our country, we can note a number of positive aspects in this area.These include, in particular, the growth of the indicator of the efficiency of higher education in Ukraine by the Bloomberg Innovation Index rating, raising the position of Ukraine on the criterion «Availability of scientists and engineers» in the Global Competitiveness Index, the positive dynamics of the number of industrial designs, the volume of exports of knowledgeable services and the growth of the number of international joint publications, increase in the number of trademark certificates issued to residents, increase of patent activity, and the Ukrainian sphere of information technologies demonstrates positive dynamics for many years.
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