Termination of corporate rights
limited liability company, termination of corporate rights.Abstract
Background. In the limited liability companies, the moment of termination of the corporate rights of their participants is important in the theoretical and practical sense, since from this moment the person ceases to be a participant and accordingly is deprived of the rights to participate in the management of the company, to participate in the distribution of the profit of the partnership, the right to information, and also the right to receive part of the company’s property in the case of liquidation. The lack of a unified approach to the definition of such a moment contributes to uncertainty in corporate relations, as well as an increase in the number of disputes between different participants of civil relations in limited liability companies.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The question of when the relationship between the participants and the limited liability company should be considered suspended has already become the subject of research in science. Along with the scientific intelligence in this area, their opinion on these issues was expressed by the courts of different levels, including the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the Supreme Commercial Court of Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to find out the moment of termination of corporate rights in limited liability companies, taking into account changes introduced by the Law on LLC, and the development of proposals for the improvement of legislation in this area.
Materials and methods. The object of the study was the Ukrainian legislation on limited liability companies, the practice of its application, scientific articles and other analytical materials, as well as the legislation of Poland in part of the turnover of corporate rights. The research is conducted using various scientific methods, including comparative legal, historical-legal, systemic and hypothetical methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.
Results.The legislation, the practice of its application and available scientific sources with the purpose of determining the time of termination of corporate rights in limited liability companies are investigated. The legal regulation is analyzed before and after the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine «On Companies with Limited and Additional Liability». According to the results of the study, the author proposed changes to the legislation.
Conclusion. According to the analysis of the provisions of the Law on LLC, one can conclude that the moment of termination of corporate rights is clearly defined only in relation to the withdrawal from the partnership. In matters of termination of corporate rights through the alienation of a stake in the charter capital of a company, the death or exclusion of a participant with the adoption of the Law on LLC, there was a significant simplification of the circulation of shares in the charter capital of limited liability companies, but uncertainty persists as regards the moment of the acquisition and termination of corporate rights.
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