Harmonization of the system of regulation of electronic commerce of Ukraine with the EU
e-commerce, electronic business, harmonization of legal regulation of e-commerce, international electronic commerce, European Union, harmonization of domestic law, Internet technologies.Abstract
Background. The mechanism of Ukraine's integration with the EU in the field of e-commerce is the basis for effective development of mutual relations in order to deepen bilateral cooperation in the field of electronic transactions. In the context of deepening integration cooperation, the effective harmonization of legal instruments for regulating e-commerce of Ukraine with the EU regulatory system becomes of paramount importance.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Theworks of both foreign and domestic scientists are dedicated tothe study of regulatory and legal issues in the development of the system of international e-commerce, the theoretical aspects of legal mechanisms and the implications of Ukraine's integration into the EU e-commerce system. However, in this topic, the processes of the relationship between qualitative changes in modern forms of manifestation of the international electronic commerce of Ukraine and structural transformations in the national economy are not sufficiently investigated.
The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to provide scientific substantiation of the legal and economic consequences of harmonization of the system of regulation of electronic commerce of Ukraine with the EU, as well as to identify practical steps to optimize the legal and regulatory framework for functioning of the Ukrainian e-commerce market in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article is the dialectical method, scientific induction and deduction, the method of comparison and synthesis, the determination of direct and reciprocal relations between economic phenomena and processes, as well as the method of abstraction. The information basis of the article is the legislation of Ukraine, international legal acts, EU legislation, national statistical directories and factual data of monographic and periodical literature.
Results. Harmonization of mechanisms for the functioning of Ukraine's e-commerce with the EU in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement creates a number of legal and economic implications. Legal implications are expressed in a more structured and orderly definition of entities, objects and procedures that are directly involved in e-commerce processes, which can be divided into three main groups of regulatory system issues, in particular, on status, rights and obligations of sellers, buyers, and information intermediaries in e-commerce, on the order of the execution of the electronic right of the ranks, as well as on the provision of the legal force.
Conclusion. Harmonization of the system of regulation of electronic commerce of Ukraine with the EU without a doubt contributes to the growth of the economy and will allow Ukraine to integrate into the Single Digital Market in the future, as well as gain competitive positions in the field of information and communication technologies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
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