Conceptual and categorical apparatus of security science
security of entrepreneurial activity, legal organization of security of entrepreneurial activity.Abstract
Background. Security research in the field of entrepreneurial activity requires the coordination of legal, economic, managerial conceptual and categorical apparatus, necessitates the systematization of scientists’ approaches to the interpretation of basic concepts, in order to ensure effective protection.
The aim of the article is to present the definition of «object of legal security of business», improving the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the science of security, the formation of theoretical foundations for business security.
Materials and methods. The information base is the legislation of Ukraine, scientific research, conceptual apparatus of security science. The methodology is based on the use of general scientific and special methods.
Results. We propose to distinguish the concept of «object of business security», «object of legal security of business», «subject of business security». The object of security of entrepreneurial activity, as a material category, is the enterprise itself in its various manifestations, aspects of activity. The object of business security is a set of protected legitimate interests of the enterprise (economic, informational, corporate), which are encroached upon. The classification of objects of legal security of business activity is given.
Conclusion. Supporting the general position of scientists of the system approach, in this study the material (regulatory, declarative, abstract, ideal) and procedural (activity, procedural) concepts of security science are distinguished. In fact, we consider security as a material abstract phenomenon – an idealized state of security. We consider security from a procedural point of view – as an activity to achieve a state of security.
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