Scientific research and development (R&D): state of funding
innovation activity, basic scientific researches, applied scientific researches, experimental developments, expenditures on scientific researches and developments, sources of funding expenditures on scientific researches and developments, state innovation policy.Abstract
Background. Ensuring the innovative development of the country is the main prerequisite for its survival and national security, dynamic economic growth and access to international markets. An important indicator of the development of innovative activity is the expenditure of research and development.
The aim of the article is to analyze current trends in research and development expenditure in Ukraine, assess their compliance with global trends to determine the prospects for innovation and its activation.
Results. The dynamics of R&D expenditures in Ukraine indicates a recession in innovation in contrast to the EU, where there is a steady upward trend in these expenditures. The gap between Ukraine and European countries is deepening both in terms of total R&D expenditures and certain types of work, as well as in terms of science-intensive GDP. Practically the only source of financing the enterprises innovative activity in Ukraine is their own funds, the share of which is growing rapidly.
Conclusion. Increasing spending on research and development worldwide indicates that innovation is a key factor in economic growth. The results of the analysis of the dynamics and structure of R&D expenditures in Ukraine do not correspond to global trends and give grounds for serious concern about the development of innovation. The growth of R&D expenditures in Ukraine is impossible without the development and implementation of an adequate state innovation policy.
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