Ukraineʼs integration into the digital global space




digitalization, digital economy, digital transformation, EU integration, EU digital market, post-war recovery, digital solidarity, digital sovereignty, balanced digital development, strategy, sectoral digitalization, interdisciplinary dimension.


Digitalisation continues to play a key role in ensuring economic growth and sustainable deve­lopment in the modern world. For Ukraine, digita­lisation is not only an important element of domestic development, but also an integral part of its integ­ration into the European digital space. Achieving compliance with the criteria for full EU membership requires the adaptation of national standards to European ones, which creates challenges in main­taining national priorities. At the same time, it contributes to the modernisation of the economy and prepares the country for participation in the EUʼs Digital Single Market, including the harmonisation of the regulatory framework and integration into innovation processes. The research is based on the hypothesis that digitalisation is a key factor in Ukraineʼs post-war recovery, ensuring efficient resource management, stimulating economic growth through innovation, modernization of key sectors of the economy, accelerating integration into the EUʼs Digital Single Market, and creating a sustainable national economy. The research uses comprehensive methods of analysis, including systematisation, comparative statistical analysis and graphical presentation of data. The theoretical part is based on modern concepts of digital transformation, the results of previous studies, as well as data provided by the European Commission, Eurostat and other authoritative sources. Digitalisation provides Ukraine with an opportunity to accelerate its economic recovery, strengthen its position in the international arena and integrate into the European digital space, while safeguarding national interests and enhancing the competitiveness of its economy.

Author Biographies

Iryna VYSOCHYN , State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance

Olena ZHUK , State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance


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How to Cite

VYSOCHYN І. and ZHUK О. 2025. Ukraineʼs integration into the digital global space. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 138, 1 (Mar. 2025), 42–74. DOI:

