Analytical model of business partnership of logistics compamies




analisis, informational provision, business partnership, model, organizational superstructure, efficiency criteria, multifactor evaluation, financial results.


At the current stage of information technology business development, more and more motor vehicle enterprises are joining the partnership, striving for their own long-term development with the overall operational capability of the supply chain and increasing the efficiency of business process management. Competition between enterprises has gradually turned into competition between business processes, the defining link of which is flexible production processes, supply chains and marketing processes. The flexibility of these processes allows enterprises (we consider the example of MTEs – motor transport enterprises) operating in partnership to adapt more quickly and organically to market changes, stimulating innovations that generate new competitive advantages. Information saturation and effective exchange of information in the analysis of business partnerships contribute to better management of human resources, supply chains, optimization of the process of accounting, financial and tax accounting and strengthens their ability to manage business in conditions of uncertainty. The article is based on the hypothesis that the developed organizational and informational model of business partnership analysis can become the foundation for the analysis of partnership effectiveness, and its develop­ment itself is a logical process of determining the range of business partners, multi-criteria evaluation of the effectiveness of interaction with them, evaluation of the final financial results of the activities of MTEs with the identification of the importance of partner­ship indicators in their achievement. Such a model should strengthen the inclination of MTEs to partner­ship and involvement in it, promote more effective transfer of knowledge and technologies. To test the hypothesis, the organizational and information support of the partnership and the efficiency of those business processes in which it is generated the value proposition and financial reporting of these two MTEs by several indicators in the period between 2019 and 2023 were analyzed; the purpose, subjects and objects included in the analysis model are determined, the algorithm of its implementation and the logic of organizational and informational modeling of business partnership analysis have been offered. The effectiveness of business partnerships was clustered by relevant subjects. An organizational and informational model of the analysis of the business partnership of motor transport enterprises and its impact on the final financial results of their activities has been constructed. The importance of transport services in the context of Ukraineʼs further development in respect of interna­tional trade was justified.

Author Biographies

Iryna PARASII-VERHUNENKO, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit

Oleksii SHCHELKUNOV, State University of Trade and Economics

Master, Postgraduate student of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit 


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How to Cite

PARASII-VERHUNENKO І. and SHCHELKUNOV О. 2024. Analytical model of business partnership of logistics compamies. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 136, 5 (Oct. 2024), 68–86. DOI:

