Global drivers of retail trade




retail trade, digitalization, trade turnover, sales, trends.


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of retail trade in Ukraine and the world. Special attention is paid to the study of the latest research and publications on the outlined topic, the works of various authors, analysis of the dynamics of trade turnover, structural changes in the industry, as well as the mechanisms of state regulation of retail trade in Ukraine. The dynamics of trade turnover in Ukraine and worldwide over recent years have been analysed, the chain indices of retail turnover changes have been calculated, which allows tracking the effectiveness of implemented economic and regulatory measures and determining the growth or decline rates of the industry compared to previous periods. The structure of retail turnover by types of trade is described, providing a deeper understanding of which market segments have the most significant impact on the overall development of the industry. Special attention is also paid to the analysis of the dynamics of online retail turnover in Ukraine, where there is a substantial increase in the volume of online sales against the backdrop of changing consumer preferences and the development of digital technologies. The growth trends in e-commerce volumes are analysed, highlighting their importance in shaping new approaches to conducting retail trade and commu­nication with consumers in the context of globaliza­tion and digital transformation. The factors influencing the development of the industry were analysed. The key trends in retail formation were determined and the main global trends were established. In particular, the growth in the share of online sales and the increase in the significance of omnichannel strategies were considered. It is noted that global trends such as sustainable development, service personaliza­tion, and the integration of artificial intelligence have a significant impact on the development of retail trade. It is hypothesized that the current development of retail trade in Ukraine and the world is largely determined by the introduction of digital technologies, changes in consumer preferences and the effectiveness of state regulation, which causes structural changes in the industry and the growth in the share of online sales. The methods of analysis, synthesis, scientific generalization and comparison of scientific sources were applied. Taking into account the results of the research, the article draws conclusions regarding the prospects for retail trade development based on the data analysis. The con­duc­ted research may be useful for the represen­tatives of the scientific community in the process of further studies on this topic, as well as in forming development strategies and adapting retail trade enterprises in the future.

Author Biography

Kateryna MEDVEDIEVA , State University of Trade and Economics

Master, Postgraduate student at the Department of Marketing


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How to Cite

MEDVEDIEVA К. 2024. Global drivers of retail trade. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 136, 5 (Oct. 2024), 50–67. DOI:

